Where have I been?

OOPS! I totally FORGOT I had this blog (until came across Varla Jean Merman's sensational blog and felt compelled to respond to it...and needed to sign in under my own account name---which meant, oh yea, I HAD an account. Duh!)

While I don't blog very often (ha!), I do most of my blogging on MySpace ( myspace.com/monster_a_gogo ). I will go ahead and share my most recent activity (which was blogged on MySpace). I participated in "The 7-Day Video Challenge"! A "friend" of mine (from YouTube--so it wasn't like a "real" friend) talked me into doing this -- and it was a pain in the butt. In between working all day and taking care of Boo (the aging wonder dog), I also had to make a new video every day for a week. Phew! I'm glad it's over. And, if you are really REALLY bored---here they are. (The best one is day #7...the worst is Day #2) They are far from great---but, whatever... Watch 'em if you want or DON'T:

Day 1 (and I have NO IDEA what I'm supposed to do, so...):

Here is the 2nd entry. And let me tell you right now, NOTHING happens. It's so very sad, but true. Here you go (if you are interested):

Here is Day 3. It's not the best one---it's HARD to make interesting videos every day (Day 2 was a snoozer... Ha!). BUT, the 2nd half of it is kind of fun (and make sure you watch it to the very, very end---if you can stand it---as there is a last minute thing AFTER the "end credits"):

Also, I had so much crap, I made 2 supplimental videos. Give them a look if you'd like (or not...). Here's the suppliment about posters:

Here is how I spent Day 4:

(Yes, I included a little bit at the end again--like on Day 3 after the end credits...but this time it's just ol' Boo)

Here is Day 5---it's a mess! I didn't know what to do, so I just sort of scrambled to come up with something...but if you can stand it, by the end I find my focus (and it really should have been there all along):

Day 6... It's not very thrilling---but I was devoid of ideas and this was the best I could do. It's a trip to my place of employment:

Again, if you can get through it all (it's rather dull) there's a little something past the end "credits" (it's kind of clever...)

Finally, here is Day 7. It's the shortest...and actually, it's my favorite. This is actually the 2nd version---I made the first one and rushed to get it done...and after I posted it, I realized I had left some things out I had meant to put in. So this is the "Special Ediion" of Day 7. This one also has a surprise at the very end. The sound on this is kind of faint, so you may want to crank up the volume. Happy viewing:



zedon said…
Hi I worked on different types of dogs beds forum and search high quality of dogs beds but the cheap and good one is dog beds and crates . these are very good and comfortable for your cute dogs.
Monster A Go-Go said…
Hi. I am seeing this YEARS later, but thank you for your post. Boo has passed on now---but I appreciate your attempt.
