The story of my grandparents taken from their home movies

Hi there.

You'll probably not want to watch this, but I am posting it anyway.

I recently had all of my grandmother's home movies converted to digital.  I made a video of Grandma and Grandpa's "life story" through their movies. I tried to put everything in chronological order....but may have messed up here and there. From their earliest adventures together in the late 30s or early 40s...up through their first son, Bert, and then daughter Sandy (Mom) my birth and my brother Ron's arrival. I cut a lot out---but also left some of their trips in (although edited way down). I plan to do another one of my mom and one of little Monster A GoGo when I have time. (Although there's not much footage...we didn't do much  home movie-ing once Grandpa died in 1970.)

My grandparents didn't have much money. My grandfather was a Greyhound bus driver and Grandma was a housewife, but they "kept up appearances". You'll notice in some of the trip footage they LOOK at Alcatraz, but don't visit it or my Grandmother will stand on a cable car...but they don't actually ride one. I left most of the mid-60s San Francisco footage in. I also have a bit of their trip to Solvang in it---not just the parts they are in, but other sections too. Solvang is nothing spectacular, but they won that trip and it was super special to my grandmother. She mentioned it often through the years.

My favorite part of the video is when Grandpa buys Grandma a new car. It's a "surprise" Christmas gift, but the footage is obviously staged. The camera is running as the car pulls into the driveway and when my grandmother comes out and hugs/kisses my grandfather, there's a cut and 2nd take from a different angle. Ha!

Both of my grandparents watched Lawrence Welk and grandma loved the music of Mantovani...which is the music I used as background more or less.

It's posted below. Watch or don't. I just thought someone somewhere might like to see it.It won't mean anything to anyone, but I teared up watching it. I miss them.

