MORE '80's Pictures A Go-Go

A few weeks ago, it was '80's nostalgia time, as I found and posted some old photos of myself from that awesomely fun and fabulous decade. Today I was going through my old MySpace page (oh my stars...they soooo RUINED "MySpace") because I had someone send a friend request or something (WHAT!?! People still go there?). While there seeing who this was, I looked through my photos---and it was a veritable treasure trove of good old stuff I had not seen in years/no longer seem to have access to/lost. Hooray!  Some of the pictures were missing from MySpace (captions were there---but there were lots of blank spaces where the pictures should have been), but what I could harvest was fab.

I thought I'd share them with you.

This was my school photo, taken at the end of my sophomore year (Spring 1981-ish).

I believe this is a shot of me just before my trip as an AFS (American Field Service) student to Chile in 1981.

Wow...I wore ties and hats...for FUN. Ha!

In my sophomore or junior year of high school, I was in the ensemble for the musical play "HELLO DOLLY" for Fresno Community Theater. The woman who played Dolly (above in the white dress and hat) was also an English teacher at my high school.

It was a fun show. Although I did some plays in high school, I only did one other play outside of school ("GREASE"). I'll have to dig up photos from that as well.

In my previous '80's post, I had another, similar photo from the same date. Here's a closer shot of Jeryl Burks and I as New Wave Tourists.

Last time I also had a prom photo. That was my dear friend Nedra's prom. This time, I've unearthed a shot from my senior prom. Left to right, Angelos Tsakonas, Cindy Esselstrom, Me and Jeryl Burks.

I just ran across this online. It's (one of the) class photos (I remember another one being taken near the bus parking lot on the other side of the school as well). It took me a while to find myself (the photo is kind of small), but there I am. Along the right edge of the pool, you'll see a girl in jeans and a white shirt. One hand is on her head, the other she is holding out. Just behind that extended hand is a guy in a white shirt. That's me. I have my hands up and another hand (rubber) on my head. DORK! I do NOT remember most of the people from my class. Most of my friends were in the classes before or after mine. I've never bothered with the reunions. 

Another photo of Seymour, my plastic lawn flamingo, and me.

With Nedra at Duncan Gardens.

Nasal spray? Whoopie... Dig the buttons on the curtains behind me. Ha!

Wow--now THAT's '80's!

With Nedra (who else?) on my 21st birthday at Japanese Kitchen for Teppan-yaki and my very first legal drink (and it was a quasi-tiki drink, served in the Buddha-shaped glass with a little umbrella, as seen in the foreground).

A later birthday with my Aunt Fernie and my grandmother, Ruby James

On the road to Duncan Gardens (different trip) with my long-lost friend Cheri Rice.

In a class in college, we had a "costume party" of sorts. We had to go as fictional characters we made up that were the opposite of ourselves. I went as Bruce Rage, a legendary punk rocker. I don't even recall why I created the character...but it was fun.

Further proof that I take pictures of (and save) everything is the little sketch (in the upper left corner) I made of what my character would look like.

Finally, we have photos from the actual "party".

Graduation from college...May 27, 1989. There is mom above in the white dress.

That is my grandmother in the blue dress. My original bachelor's degree was in English. I am sure my aunt Fernie was there also. I don't know why there is no photo of her. Darn it all.

Here I am with Cheri Rice again. This was at Easter time (duh) and taken at Gottschalk's department store in downtown Fresno. I was working there at the time. I can't remember the name of the girl who played the Easter Bunny, but she was swell. Wait! Donna Maldonado, I think her name was.

Nighttime in a cemetery...  

With Cheri Rice (and Santa Claus!) again at Christmas time.

With Gottschalk's co-workers Vern Simmons and Maryann Sanchez in San Francisco just before a night out to The I-Beam on Haight.

Meeting the Easter Bunny again---this time with my pal Nedra Gallegos.

Time for a late night tabloid fix at Cost Less Foods. 

Before zombies were fashionable and had their own TV series, for Halloween I went as one.

At Great America and not amused as I stand on a lone merry-go-round goat (?). Whoopie...

Getting my new 1990 Toyota Camry in the fall of 1989.

I know they are hard to make out, but I LOVED those pants I am wearing. I STILL have them. Will I ever be thin enough to fit in them again? NOT!

Here I am having some photo booth fun with my friend Shawna and our Chinese yo-yos in October 1989 at The Big Fresno Fair. Again, it's hard to see, but LOOK at that hair of mine. Wow! How did I do that? Ha!

Finally, this is technically 1990 (I think?), but I thought I'd throw it in as it still has an '80's flair. That's me on the left, with my half-sister Sara, bio dad (who I purposely never see except at funerals), half-brother Seth and brother Ron at the funeral of my great grandmother Bessie.

That's it for now, but I'm sure I'll dig up other moldy oldies and share them.


(PS For my original post of my 80's pictures, click HERE!)


Mikey said…
GREAT Pictures! I still love the one with the old Mustang!
Monster A Go-Go said…
Hi Mikey! That is a slightly different picture than the previous one with the Mustang. I drove that car for YEARS! It was a piece of crap (or so I thought at the time). The paint job WAS crap for sure (if it was wet, and you rubbed up against it, the orange came off on your clothes). But I kind of miss it. Crazy, huh? I guess we all miss our first cars in a way... CHEERS!