The Wonder Years of my baby brother, Ronnie Gadberry through old home movies

Although I did not have much material (except when he was a little older), I was able to pull off a little video about my brother, Ron. I'm in it too (ugh!). I did some trick editing (zooming, cropping, etc.) to eliminate me as much as possible. I was such a camera hog when I was a kid.  I wanted this to be about Ron Ron and NOT me.

My brother and I are polar opposites. When we were younger, I was more new wave while he was heavy metal. We have different tastes in everything. Yet, he is my brother and I love him.

I've somehow always felt sorry for Ronnie. I have always wondered how he has felt about his life. I've often felt that I have stolen the spotlight from him throughout the course of our lives...without meaning to. I've traveled far more than he has. I've had more interesting experiences. I've done a lot of neat things. But I also WORKED for them and/or made them happen. Ronnie was never as ambitious (if that's the right word. I don't feel all that ambitious) as me. My grades were not that spectacular in high school (or college the first time around), yet I graduated both and was very involved (yearbook, International Club, drama, exchange student, etc.) during my school years. And I've always had a job or been in school. The same can not be said for my brother.

I've always thought he may have felt like he was in my shadow somewhat. It was totally unintentional. One of my biggest regrets is never seeing him play football in high school.(He broke his leg during a game and never played again). The one thing he does excel at far more than I ever will is being a father. While he lets Brawn (my nephew) play computer games far, FAR more than I ever would, Ronnie is good with him when it comes to dad stuff.

So here is to my baby brother, Ron (or Ronnie, or Ron Ron, or Smellvin. Hee hee hee):

Watch or don't.

