Tonight I busied myself dunging out more than 10 years of emails from my Gmail account. (It was, uh...FULL! Ha!) In the process I came across some of the articles I had written for The Fresno Bee's former IMAGINE magazine. Some of them I remember, but others... I wrote that? My name is slapped on them and I saved them in my emails, so they must be mine. I made them as big as I can (Can you, the reader, make them bigger? Hmm..). There are six altogether. Take a look or don't.
This first article is on former original Mouseketeer, Karen Pendleton. I had met her several years earlier as she was a co-worker of my friend Janet. I was thrilled to get to do the article on her, but I think she would have liked to have foregone the experience and exposure.
Aside from the subject's name, Suzanne Bertz-Rosa, I have NO memory of this article.
I wrote this? Really? I have ZERO memory of this piece. NONE! ZILCH! Nadda!
Here is another article I completely forgot about. While I do have vague memories of visiting this part of town, the article and everything in it had completely evaporated from my mind.
This last article made me nervous when I wrote it. Why? Because the subject, Pulitzer prize-winning poet Philip Levine, really didn't want to open up and talk about himself. I had to rely on a lot of research and interviews with his colleges to get this to work. He was named Poet Laureate of the United States in 2011, a few years after the article was done. He died in 2015. For the article, he gave us permission to print one of his poems. It follows after the article.