Oooo... Just when I was ready to call it a night after spending hours going through old emails and trashing them, I came across a bunch of old articles of mine that I had emailed to myself. I posted those and went through a few more emails and... Voila! I found two more. And these two I was really proud of at the time. Both were very well received, especially this first one on Route 66. The second one, on local cemeteries, tied in local historical figures and their final resting places.
I think the Route 66 article was my idea. I had long wanted to see what was out there on the fabled road, more so after working on this piece. I did get to travel part of it in the fall of 2009. That was a kick. Here's the article. Give it a read, if you'd like.
This article on our local cemeteries was, I think, also my own idea. It came out okay, but I don't think it would appeal to anyone not from the Fresno area. It was also a lot of research, but it was fun to do. I don't miss the low pay and some of the lame assignments, but I do miss the creative aspect of working for the newspaper. Working on this article was a neat experience.
That's it for this time. Thanks for stopping by.