Today I went to the movies. I've been super busy lately and was trying to catch up. Today I decided to go see TWO movies (separate theaters)...and ended up missing crucial parts of BOTH movies. ARGH! I can NOT believe it. WHAT did I miss?
This morning, although there are other things playing I'd rather see ("The Shape of Water" comes to mind...), I decided to catch the earliest showing of the new Star Wars movie, "The Last Jedi". Yes, I know it came out more than a month ago. I'm just NOT a huge Star Wars fan. I saw the original (now middle) trilogy when they first played in theaters. Of the second (but really first) trilogy, I only saw Part 1. (The other two I caught on DVD years later.) I had seen "The Force Awakens" (weeks after everyone else did) and the "Rogue One" thing (Star Wars 3 1/2?) and they were okay. So, sure... why not give "The Last Jedi" a shot?
Knowing it was a long movie (and that I have blood pressure medication with a built-in diuretic), I made sure to pee before the movie started. It didn't help that I splurged and had a LARGE Coke Icee during the movie. Uh-oh. As the movie trudged on and on, I began to do the pee pee dance in my chair. I kept checking my watch thinking it can't last that much longer...but it kept going on and on and ON. Careful NOT to give any spoilers away, I saw the final battle and then I caught the moment on the Jedi planet right after that. But I couldn't stand it any longer. I got up and literally ran out of the theater and to the men's room and peed and peed and peed.
Racing back to the auditorium, I was just in time to see some little boy looking out into space and then....the credits started to roll. ARGH! I MISSED the very end of the movie. I can't believe it. What happened? Did they explain Leia's future death? Who was the kid? What HAPPENED???? UGH!!!
Later this afternoon, I decided to head to the local second-run (discount) theater to see "BLADE RUNNER 2049" before it disappeared from theaters altogether. I know it was a flop, but I had seen the original (in the theater) and I had heard some positive things about the flick. I was curious.
I peed before the movie began again and I only took sips of the water I bought to wash out the saltiness after I ate my popcorn. But, I had gotten my free refill on my Coke Icee before leaving the Star Wars theater (stupid, I know, but they always get you with "you get a free refill". This time I was determined to get it.). So as the urge to urinate began to build I thought it best to go in the middle of the movie and NOT miss the ending.
Double ARGH! When did I decide to go? During what turned out to be a crucial scene in the film. Again---talking around the spoiler--I ended up going right when Ryan Gosling gets to the place that eventually is where the final scene takes place. Whatever info was shared in that initial scene, I was NOT privy to---and it was probably very important and explanatory based on how it ended. GRRR.
I just could NOT win today. Oh man. What did I miss? Help!