I just finished watching "DAMIEN," the complete series. Based on the 1976 film "The Omen" (it completely ignores the sequels and the remake), "DAMIEN" follows the story of the little boy (now 30) as he slowly comes to find out he is the antichrist. The series only last one season---just 10 episodes. I knew it had been canceled when I tracked it down to buy, so I wasn't expecting much. I was just really curious as I enjoyed the "Omen" films. The thing is, I really liked the "Damien" series. It is unfortunate it ended when it did. It would have been interesting to see what happens next. But if it had to end, it ended on a powerful note (if somewhat of a cliffhanger).
"Damien" and it's short TV life remind me of other series that were gone too quickly. "Twin Peaks" comes to mind (although it had a 3rd season last year---26 years after the original went off of the air. I still haven't seen it yet, but it is in my pile to watch). "Pushing Daisies" is another. The live-action 90's version of "The Tick" was great fun. "Hannibal" lasted three seasons, but the cliffhanger it left us with was not cool.
I'm sure there are many others that were unceremoniously DC-ed that I have never seen but would probably also add to this list if I had. (I do have something called "Carnivale" lined up to see down the road a piece and BOTH versions of "V". Those all came and went quickly. Any good?)
Of course, if I had my way, my favorite shows would never go off the air---and they'd be AWFUL, I am sure. Forget the current remake. If I had my way, the original "Dynasty"--the funniest show on TV in the 80s--would still be clunking along. "The Brady Bunch" would be still on the air in some incarnation or another ("The Brady Grandparents", "The Grown-Up Brady Orphans"? "The Brady Bunches"?, "The Bradys: The Next Generation"?). Oh well. Maybe there IS something to be said for cancellation after all.