A new day has dawned...and the numbers continue to grow.
Yesterday morning, I reported that there were 549,604 confirmed cases worldwide. As of this moment, there are 649,904...that is slightly more than 100,000 new cases.
Yesterday morning, the United States had 85,996 cases. Right now we have 115,547.
The John Hopkins Coronavirus Map lists the number of deaths (30,249) by country. Italy is first. It has had 10,023 deaths (919 of them were just yesterday). Spain is second (5,812), China third (3,177). The eighth country listed is not a country. It is a state. It is New York with 517 deaths, which is more than all of Germany (403).
Even though we have more cases now than anywhere else in the world, all of the estimates say this is just beginning. It is expected to get a lot worse. The government is sending two 1,000 bed hospital ships, one to New York and one to Los Angeles, to help with the hospitals being so impacted. These hospital ships may be overrun with patients by the time this thing reaches its peak. It is truly scary what is still coming.
We are in a major crisis, probably the biggest one any of us will ever encounter in our lifetimes. Our president is acting like a child. He has been picking and choosing which states to help and not help based on which governors have been critical of his performance or outrightly denies their needs as being legitimate. Geez! A president is supposed to be above all of that pettiness and LEAD the entire country. His actions (or lack thereof) are unconscionable.
It was not until yesterday that Trump, who has been calling himself a "wartime president," finally used the wartime Defense Production Act to have venilators made.
This is just my thought (and I hope I am wrong), but who is more inclined to vote? People in larger cities, especially on the West and East Coasts. How do these places tend to vote? Democratic. Where are the bulk of the outbreaks in this country? I'll leave it at that.
As I have been doing all along, I've embedded links to various articles.
There is a 3D imaging video online that shows a case of the virus trying to take over the inside of a man's lungs. The man had not shown symptoms the day before.
I found another link detailing the breakdown, by percentages, of who has been most affected by the virus, broken down by age, gender, etc. Another site also breaks it down in easy to understand percentages.
And yet another link detailed how there are eight different strains of the virus circling the globe.
Those various strains may account for this harrowing article I ran across which says that many who were deemed cured of the virus in Wuhan, China have later contracted the virus again. Yikes!
A doctor detailed on Twitter having to intubate his colleague, a young, healthy ER doctor, who contracted the virus. While reading about it, I learned a disturbing factor (as I am a nurse); healthcare workers represent more than 20% of all COVID 19 cases. Swell.
A nurse on Twitter shared her experience about her day working with patients with COVID 19. Oh my god...It sounds beyond awful.
Whidbey Island, where my family lives, now has 80 people infected with the virus. Locally, we now have 31 cases where I live, or 72 in the Central Valley altogether. Again, these are just confirmed cases. You know there are others out there that are undiagnosed.
As the numbers start to creep up, one news article looked at the impact this will have on our local hospitals. Our area is woefully underprepared. In addition to talking about how low our number of healthcare providers is to comparable areas, we are short of beds.
"Fresno County has 1.8 (beds) per 1000 people, according to California Health and Human Services. Merced County has 0.8, well below the 2.8 average across the country and even the 3.2 in Italy, where the coronavirus peak overwhelmed hospitals."
This is utterly terrifying.
After reading that, it was not surprising seeing that local hospitals are openly looking for donations of supplies.
In regards to supplies, my hospital sent out this note internally to its employees, clarifying its public request:
1. We currently have adequate supplies of almost every type of PPE for our staff. We are utilizing some N95 masks from the emergency stockpile that have expired. This is consistent with CDC guidance. Social media posts---some from our own staff---to the contrary are simply not factual.
2. We will never require you to perform any procedure or interaction with a patient without adequate protection as recommended by the CDC.
3. We are asking you to conserve your use of PPE…not because we don’t have enough but because we want to make the supply we have last as long as it can…and to be used as efficiently as possible.
4. We are have ordered new supplies of PPE from the State and from some privately-sourced vendors. These may be different than what we have used in the past. We expect those supplies to arrive on time and in the quantities ordered---and we are prepared should neither of those happen. The HICS team reviews daily our supplies, needs and outstanding orders.
5. We have distributed a message on social media and in the traditional press thanking the many folks who have called wanting to help the hospital during this time and asking for any donations of N95 masks, disinfectant wipes, and other items that individuals or organizations can make. The HICS team, vetted by our infection control leaders, have also agreed to accept homemade face masks, for potential use by families, visitors, and staff in non-clinical roles where the CDC does not recommend use of face masks. This call for donations is NOT because we are out of supplies. It is to help identify community-based sources, particularly of N95 masks, and to provide an organized way for folks to help.
While that is reassuring, when things really get awful, I'll believe No. 2 when it never happens.
Fresno County has now started screening employees on a daily basis before allowing them in to work. Those showing any sort of symptom are to be sent home. I hope our hospital does this and soon. There was a co-worker yesterday coughing and sneezing. I'm fairly certain she is not a carrier, but you never know and it was unnerving being near her.
I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but a friend of mine shared this with me from Facebook. It suggests that the virus is actually a bio-engineered virus designed to wipe out those older and with health issues. It is well researched and makes sense over all. (It was especially shocking to see how the Obama-era ban on virus engineering was reversed under the Trump administration.) It certainly shows a shockingly coincidental chain of events:
Why do I not believe it is true? Several articles online also point out that researchers have shown that it is not engineered, but a disaster that is natural and caused by man. (Mother Nature's revenge?)
Another video (really more of a slide show) shows a possible suggestion of how this virus came into being:
If things were not bad enough, a large chunk of the country also has to deal with severe weather that could include rain and tornadoes.
We can't seem to catch a break...
Stay safe. Stay sheltered. Stay well.
Continue to the next part HERE.
Yesterday morning, I reported that there were 549,604 confirmed cases worldwide. As of this moment, there are 649,904...that is slightly more than 100,000 new cases.
Yesterday morning, the United States had 85,996 cases. Right now we have 115,547.
The John Hopkins Coronavirus Map lists the number of deaths (30,249) by country. Italy is first. It has had 10,023 deaths (919 of them were just yesterday). Spain is second (5,812), China third (3,177). The eighth country listed is not a country. It is a state. It is New York with 517 deaths, which is more than all of Germany (403).
Even though we have more cases now than anywhere else in the world, all of the estimates say this is just beginning. It is expected to get a lot worse. The government is sending two 1,000 bed hospital ships, one to New York and one to Los Angeles, to help with the hospitals being so impacted. These hospital ships may be overrun with patients by the time this thing reaches its peak. It is truly scary what is still coming.
We are in a major crisis, probably the biggest one any of us will ever encounter in our lifetimes. Our president is acting like a child. He has been picking and choosing which states to help and not help based on which governors have been critical of his performance or outrightly denies their needs as being legitimate. Geez! A president is supposed to be above all of that pettiness and LEAD the entire country. His actions (or lack thereof) are unconscionable.
This is just my thought (and I hope I am wrong), but who is more inclined to vote? People in larger cities, especially on the West and East Coasts. How do these places tend to vote? Democratic. Where are the bulk of the outbreaks in this country? I'll leave it at that.
As I have been doing all along, I've embedded links to various articles.
There is a 3D imaging video online that shows a case of the virus trying to take over the inside of a man's lungs. The man had not shown symptoms the day before.
I found another link detailing the breakdown, by percentages, of who has been most affected by the virus, broken down by age, gender, etc. Another site also breaks it down in easy to understand percentages.
And yet another link detailed how there are eight different strains of the virus circling the globe.
Those various strains may account for this harrowing article I ran across which says that many who were deemed cured of the virus in Wuhan, China have later contracted the virus again. Yikes!
A doctor detailed on Twitter having to intubate his colleague, a young, healthy ER doctor, who contracted the virus. While reading about it, I learned a disturbing factor (as I am a nurse); healthcare workers represent more than 20% of all COVID 19 cases. Swell.
A nurse on Twitter shared her experience about her day working with patients with COVID 19. Oh my god...It sounds beyond awful.
Whidbey Island, where my family lives, now has 80 people infected with the virus. Locally, we now have 31 cases where I live, or 72 in the Central Valley altogether. Again, these are just confirmed cases. You know there are others out there that are undiagnosed.
As the numbers start to creep up, one news article looked at the impact this will have on our local hospitals. Our area is woefully underprepared. In addition to talking about how low our number of healthcare providers is to comparable areas, we are short of beds.
"Fresno County has 1.8 (beds) per 1000 people, according to California Health and Human Services. Merced County has 0.8, well below the 2.8 average across the country and even the 3.2 in Italy, where the coronavirus peak overwhelmed hospitals."
This is utterly terrifying.
After reading that, it was not surprising seeing that local hospitals are openly looking for donations of supplies.
In regards to supplies, my hospital sent out this note internally to its employees, clarifying its public request:
1. We currently have adequate supplies of almost every type of PPE for our staff. We are utilizing some N95 masks from the emergency stockpile that have expired. This is consistent with CDC guidance. Social media posts---some from our own staff---to the contrary are simply not factual.
2. We will never require you to perform any procedure or interaction with a patient without adequate protection as recommended by the CDC.
3. We are asking you to conserve your use of PPE…not because we don’t have enough but because we want to make the supply we have last as long as it can…and to be used as efficiently as possible.
4. We are have ordered new supplies of PPE from the State and from some privately-sourced vendors. These may be different than what we have used in the past. We expect those supplies to arrive on time and in the quantities ordered---and we are prepared should neither of those happen. The HICS team reviews daily our supplies, needs and outstanding orders.
5. We have distributed a message on social media and in the traditional press thanking the many folks who have called wanting to help the hospital during this time and asking for any donations of N95 masks, disinfectant wipes, and other items that individuals or organizations can make. The HICS team, vetted by our infection control leaders, have also agreed to accept homemade face masks, for potential use by families, visitors, and staff in non-clinical roles where the CDC does not recommend use of face masks. This call for donations is NOT because we are out of supplies. It is to help identify community-based sources, particularly of N95 masks, and to provide an organized way for folks to help.
While that is reassuring, when things really get awful, I'll believe No. 2 when it never happens.
Fresno County has now started screening employees on a daily basis before allowing them in to work. Those showing any sort of symptom are to be sent home. I hope our hospital does this and soon. There was a co-worker yesterday coughing and sneezing. I'm fairly certain she is not a carrier, but you never know and it was unnerving being near her.
I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but a friend of mine shared this with me from Facebook. It suggests that the virus is actually a bio-engineered virus designed to wipe out those older and with health issues. It is well researched and makes sense over all. (It was especially shocking to see how the Obama-era ban on virus engineering was reversed under the Trump administration.) It certainly shows a shockingly coincidental chain of events:
Why do I not believe it is true? Several articles online also point out that researchers have shown that it is not engineered, but a disaster that is natural and caused by man. (Mother Nature's revenge?)
Another video (really more of a slide show) shows a possible suggestion of how this virus came into being:
If things were not bad enough, a large chunk of the country also has to deal with severe weather that could include rain and tornadoes.
We can't seem to catch a break...
Stay safe. Stay sheltered. Stay well.
Continue to the next part HERE.