My Coronavirus Diary Part 20

Yesterday, I reported that the US had 5,316 dead from the virus. Today it is an astounding 6,586. There have been more than 55,781 deaths worldwide as the virus, now infecting more than a million people the world over (257,773 of those right here in the US), continues its merciless conquest of our planet.

Yesterday, there was much criticism of the government's handling of P.P.E. (Personal Protection Equipment) for hospitals and ventilators. The White House had announced earlier that the virus can also be spread by talking or even just breathing. Face masks were recommended and may become mandatory soon when out in public. However, a piece I saw yesterday showed that nearly 28 million face masks here in the US were purchased by foreign buyers. I'm all for helping other countries, but hello? We have more than double the cases here than any other country in the world. And this is allowed?

One article I read stated that we sold millions of dollars of medical equipment, ventilators and P.P.E. to foreign countries (particularly China) in January and February even though our own intelligence sources were warning us of the coming pandemic. Oh my stars!

On the other hand, the US Government just bought a bunch of medical supplies from Russia. Huh?

Last week, President Trump said he was going to invoke the Defense Production Act and order GM to manufacture ventilators. It has been a week--time wasted and lives lost--and the order had never formerly been enacted. Why? Trump balked at the cost. GEEZ! Things have apparently been ironed out and the order is supposed to be underway. However, a report from FEMA states that most of the promised 100,000 ventilators will not arrive until June. And Trump has the audacity to pass the buck, telling states they should have better prepared. Hello? Who is supposed to be the "leader and chief"?

Meanwhile, beleaguered New York is doing anything and everything it can to stay afloat as the infected overrun the hospitals there.

My friend Christa in Santa Monica sent me a photo of herself with her attempt at creative masking. Bravo, Christa!

And my mom wanted me to share this link about properly wiping down your groceries after you get home from the store to avoid possible coronavirus contamination.

My brother is a civilian who works on a military base on Whidbey Island in Washington. Although he has been careful (from what I hear), yesterday he was sent into a bunker filled with military personnel. He had no mask with him. Who knows if anyone in there was sick and not yet showing symptoms.

I worry about that as lately there has been a lots of articles and news stories about the virus infiltrating the military. One article said that the number of troops testing positive was up over 50% last week. The commander of an aircraft carrier whose crew has been besieged by an outbreak of the virus was removed of his command after voicing his concerns days before the virus swept the ship. A serviceman at the Lemoore Naval Air Station, where my brother also briefly worked, has tested positive as well.

I fear for my brother's welfare. (Wear your mask, Ronnie. And WASH YOUR HANDS...a LOT!)

My friend Kim, the C.N.A. (Certified Nursing Assistant) in Wisconsin, dropped me a note yesterday afternoon. Her part of the state is finally seeing patients with the virus.

"Things are still okay here," she said. "We had our first case and first death in my county.  The hospital I work for has gotten all the rooms on my unit negative pressure ready [Negative pressure rooms are utilized to keep infected air from recirculating through the rest of the hospital].  We also get our temperatures taken before and midway through our shift.

"As of today we have over 1,500 cases in Wisconsin.  People are not listening about social distancing at all. I went to Wal-Mart after work to pick up my medications from the pharmacy.  I could not believe how many people were in there  and chit-chatting with each other! We are going to be stuck like this for a long long time if people don't stop."

I hope Kim can keep herself safe.

Yesterday, I also mentioned that trials had started using antibodies from recovered coronavirus victims being injected into infected individuals to aid in battling the virus. The Mayo Clinic recently announced that it has developed a new test to determine if a person has had the virus and may have developed antibodies against it.

Meanwhile, the University of Pittsburgh and scientists in Australia think they've each come up with a possible vaccine to the virus.

Speaking of Australia, my friend David checked in from down there last night.

"I just wanted to update you on Australia and COVID-19," he said. "We are in a pretty big shutdown. But each state and territory has a say on the level of restrictions they want to introduce. Western Australia has already stopped the borders (in fact, they had a standoff with a cruise ship this week). People can't travel out of their regions. I guess it's like if you are from Hollywood you couldn't drive down to Orange County.

"Victoria, Melbourne (where I am) and New South Wales, Sydney have the most cases in Australia, but our numbers are relatively low when compared with the rest of the world. We shut down fairly quickly and people are actually being fined over $1,000 if they are outside without a valid reason (to get petrol, groceries or to exercise in groups of no more than two).

"Families can still see each other, but if you don't live with your partner you cannot go visit them..

"Our numbers as of today are

2389 cases in New South Wales
1085 in Victoria
838 in Queensland
385 in South Australia
392 in Western Australia
74 in Tasmania
87 in the Australian Capital Territory
22 in the Northern Territory

Total 5272

"Death toll nationally is 25"

I appreciate David checking in. Australia has been through so much of late. I'm glad their numbers are low. I hope they stay that way. I also wish our restrictions were as severe as theirs to keep our numbers lower. Apparently a local council member feels the same as I do.

Locally, California is hanging in there. Although we have 11,126 cases, we've only had 246 deaths. An article in The Washington Post says that the early social distancing rules California and Washington enforced have helped greatly. Los Angeles has only had about 80 deaths so far. It could have been worse. It could have been another New York. But this thing is far from over.

Even though my state took action early on, a new model suggests this thing won't peak out here until mid-May and, by the end of summer, we will have about 5,000 deaths. That is so hard to fathom, but it will happen. There are many more cases still pending. A staggering 64% of coronavirus tests here in our state are still waiting for lab results according to this article.

There are 94 cases in my county currently.

My friend Vye sent me a link about the city of Fresno's plans for an overflow hospital for virus patients. Instead of the fair grounds as was previously reported, it looks as if the convention center will be where it will be set up. There are more than 500,000 people in Fresno alone.

As for me, I need to find something to focus on besides this coronavirus blog. I'm always thinking about it, looking for new information, knowing I need to put another out day after day. I recently put out a new post in my movie collection blog. I had been working on it casually for weeks, but the posters on it were cheapos and nothing special (for the most part). But it was something NOT coronavirus-related. (Well, I wrapped it in a be safe message...) I also added some new poster images on my movie poster Instagram,but they were nothing new...just stuff I dug up and photographed.

Shirley, the tortoise, does not require much of my time, so I have gotten a bunch of cheesy DVDs/BluRays watched (ho hum).

But even as I was watching the blaxploitation magic of DISCO GODFATHER or the 70's regional horror classic THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN, I am constantly checking my phone for news updates about the virus.

I did get my security camera up and running, facing the neighbor's fence.

Tomorrow, in addition to getting my response to my neighbors about the fence written, maybe I'll force myself to finish up a blog post about the bars of San Diego for my tiki page. It has been months since I visited tiki land. Maybe I really do need to take a virtual tiki vacation and mentally disappear into tiki land as I work on that post...

The nearest tiki bar is hours away. Do you think DoorDash would deliver a cocktail for me? Hmm. I can dream, can't I?

Stay safe. Stay sheltered. Stay ALIVE.


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Anonymous said…
πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ–πŸΌfrom our lockdown to yours, big love. Robin and Skye
Monster A Go-Go said…
LOVE back at ya! (How do you do the hearts?) I'm so glad you both are SAFE!!! Stay that way. CHEERS!