My Coronavirus Diary Part 23

Just yesterday, there were 1,344 deaths from the virus...and they were all right here in the United States. The White House predicts approximately 100,000 - 240,000 deaths by the time this is over with. We have had 8,503 deaths so far in this country, 64,849 deaths around the globe. There are 312,245 confirmed cases here and 1,204,782 cases world wide.

Yesterday I posted a note from someone in the UK's National Health Service about the next two weeks being the deciding moment and to please stay home if at all possible. Yesterday, Dr. Deborah Brix on the White House's COVID 19 task force echoed the same message.

Yet, even with this very trying time upon us and weeks of the deaths of thousands of more people to come, the president is already musing about the return of sports and opening up the country and our economy again. The much-needed ventilators and other medical supplies are still scarce and in short demand, with people dying by the hundreds daily How can opening up the country and our economy be feasible? He also discussed the possibility of opening churches again for Palm and Easter Sunday. How could any of that be safe? And several states are still not under lock down orders.

More and more the world is being hit by this beast. Russia is on lockdown, with hot spots there being Moscow and St Petersburg. In England, people are finding it hard to get testing kits, so many have tried to get testing done via mail order.  I saw several articles where Ecuador's dead are being left in the street for days as there is no where to put them.

On the bright side, both Spain and Italy have seen a decrease in the number of patients needing ICU care.

My friend Walter in Colombia checked in. He never says much (probably because the language barrier), but it was good to hear from him.

"I'm OK," he said. "My family is fine. Almost every day we make a video call."

My mother sent me an article. It details how, during the Influenza pandemic in 1918, it was illegal to not be wearing a mask in most parts of the country. It's interesting that masks are only suggested today, not mandatory (yet). The World Health Organization has posted information on making masks and how they work in regards to this virus.

As another day of this worldwide crisis dawns, I am glad I live in California. Our governor has been on the ball with this from early on, locking down our state in a timely manner and thus saving lives. I applaud him for looking after the homeless at this time with a project to turn unused hotels into temporary lodging to get through this trying period. Locally, there is a brewery that has started pumping out hand sanitizer. A church in town has gotten creative and is now offering drive-by communions. A local group called FLAG (Front Line Appreciation Group) is raising money to buy food from local restaurants to deliver to hospital employees. Some college kid decided to perk up his neighborhood and dug out his Christmas decorations. It was just a simple thing, but it was something. I love how we are making it work during this difficult time.

I've been thinking a lot about my co-worker friends and all they are doing at the hospital. My teacher friends, who are still working hard despite having to teach remotely, are on my mind. It must be crazy for them trying to meet each student's needs. And then there are those people you encounter often who are always there, like the friendly lady at the grocery store or the mail carrier. I know people are making this work all over, but the people in my world I am especially proud of.

Some people are being creative in a different way during this crisis. Yesterday, I shared a family in England's coronavirus take on a song from LES MISERABLES. Today, I thought I would highlight this guy, Chris Mann. He's got several virus-themed song parodies. His Adele parody I thought was very clever.

He has several others. One is a takeoff on MY SHARONA. Another is a nice nod to those working during this time in an Alanis Morisette cover. There was even a COVID 19 version of Madonna's VOGUE. A couple of other creative people out there did parodies as well. Someone named Jon Pumper did this fun take on KOKOMO. A group (?) called Grounded Show did a virus-themed version of Queen's BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY that may be worth a listen as well.

There was also this marvelous spin on THE SOUND OF MUSIC:

Wherever you are, what ever you do, use this time and get creative. Make this work for you and those around you.

Just remember that this is supposed to be the crucial two weeks, so please stay home if at all possible.



Continue to the next part HERE.


Love the musical funnies! Stay safe!
Monster A Go-Go said…
Hi Christa. They ARE good, very clever and funny. Just what is needed at this time. Thanks for visiting. CHEERS!