My Coronavirus Diary Part 67

The number of coronavirus cases are rising faster than ever. Over the past week, it has averaged about 100,000 a day worldwide. There are currently 7 million cases around the globe and 1,942,000 cases here in the US. We have now had 110.500 deaths, while there have been 402,709 deaths globally. Yet, despite this, economies are still trying to open up. As we approach 2 million cases here, the tally doesn't seem to be slowing down at all.

We are seeing more than 1,000 deaths a day here, now. It's only expected to get worse.

The World Health Organization is really pushing for mask use. Please people...this is clearly NOT going away.

Apparently bald men are at a higher risk for COVID 19 symptoms. Really.

COVID 19 can last for months. Many still can't seem to shake it.

New York is seeing the lowest death numbers since this crisis began.

Virginia had 856 new cases in 24 hours.

A report says that 10% of tests done in North Carolina this week have come back positive for the virus.

South Carolina now has more than 500 positive cases.

Georgia reported 600 new cases today.

Florida's virus curve is rising--not falling. That didn't stop Universal Studios in Orlando from re-opening on Friday.

An outbreak in Pennsylvania can be tied to a house party at Jersey Shore.

Illinois had nearly 1,000 new cases on Saturday.  Despite that, the Chicago Police Department has "ditched masks."

Minnesota has more than 27,000 cases.

The number of COVID 19 fatalities in Iowa has surpassed 600.

Dallas County in Texas has more than 11,830 cases, a number which is growing by approximately 261 new cases a day.

South Dakota has seen an increase in cases.

Utah had 546 new cases on Saturday---a record for the state. Then the state had 268 more cases reported on Sunday.

Colorado continues to see a growing number of cases and deaths.

Las Vegas has reopened...but is not what it used to be.

Washington state had it's biggest jump in cases in nearly two months.

Oregon had it's highest single-day tally of new cases on Sunday. A seafood processing plant in the state had an outbreak within it.

Hawaii reported no new cases for the 10th straight day.

We may get a vaccine this year, but it probably will not end the pandemic. A new report says that if a vaccine could be created, people will likely need two doses for it to be effective. Experts are cautious about vaccine misinformation and fears.

Instead of a vaccine, some scientists are working on ways to prevent an infection of the coronavirus.

A drug used for fighting cancer may start being used to fight COVID 19.

AstraZeneca, one of Britain's largest pharmaceutical companies, is hoping to merge with Gilead, the pharm company that makes Rendesivir, the anti-viral drug that is being used to combat COVID 19. Both companies have possible vaccines in development.

It is Rendesivir, the only drug that has been proven effective against COVID 19, that the government is about to run out of.

Nearly 600 US healthcare workers have died from the coronavirus so far.

Here is why eye wear is needed when dealing with COVID 19.

Universities are reporting that the virus has been showing up in various athletic programs.

Despite the growing number of cases around the country (and around the world), a lot of people are tired of the confinement and restrictions.

Which companies protect their employees and customers the best during the pandemic? Costco, Trader Joe's and Whole Foods top the list.

Trump's insistence that the Republican National Convention be teaming with people, with no masks or social distancing, is proving more and more problematic for the president and his party.


Brazil, which has the 2nd biggest number of virus cases (behind the US), has started only giving totals of new cases and fatalities every 24 hours instead of cumulative numbers ...and is keeping the data concealed from the public.

The cafes of Paris are back in business...with some modifications.

The anti-racism protests that have swept the world are cause for fear of a new outbreak. Norway is very concerned after it kept the virus mostly controlled.

Thousands of virus-infected minks are being killed on mink farms (they still exist? Who wears fur any more?) in the Netherlands because of the fear of animal to human spread of the infection.

Protests over virus constrictions in Rome got violent recently.

Saudi Arabia reports more than 100,000 cases now.

India is being hit hard by the virus.

China says it will increase global cooperation in future vaccine trials.

New Zealand says it is now free of the virus.


California is now a new "hot spot" for the virus. There are now more than 128,000 cases in the state.

A zip code in San Diego has virus cases growing twice as fast than the surrounding areas.

Orange County registered 119 new cases and one death today.

The state ordered more than 10,000 ventilators for a stockpile. Most of them have not arrived yet.

Churches can now re-open here in the state at 25% capacity.

Schools, gyms and bars will begin to re-open next week.


The Fresno Bee reports that the number of cases in Fresno keeps climbing, with a 1-in-10 chance need for hospitalization.

Kern County has 70 new cases.

There was a protest outside of Avenal State Prison after an outbreak of the virus occurred within it.

Shaver Lake re-opened with new visitor guidelines.

Kings County is offering free COVID 19 testing, even for those who are uninsured or who are undocumented.

Tulare County health officials are helping out the homeless during the pandemic.


It's kind of slim pickings again. This take off on a song from WICKED was okay:

Needing some quarantine Bob Dylan? Here you go-go:

Here are two British guys doing a twist on a song from OLIVER!

Here is yet another take on the song Kokomo:

This has nothing to do with the pandemic. However, I found it very clever. It's a bit graphic and a tad horrifying--be warned. It's a mash up of the Dead Or Alive 80s hit YOU SPIN ME ROUND (LIKE A RECORD) with THE EXORCIST. Ha! It's by a group called The Merkins and they have several horror movie-themed parodies. This one came out May 30th, so I figured it was probably done in quarantine--why not add it? Watch at your own risk!

This only also makes a mere mention of the pandemic, but it is hilarious and timely's Randy Rainbow. What more do you need to know?


She's been fine. She's been climbing in her bushes and coming to the door when she wants in or out. No real news to report, but here she is in her favorite climbing bush. On Sunday though, it was a tad cooler than usual---with a breeze blowing. Shirley went to the door, took a look, then went back to her cardboard condo.


I got my lab orders from the immunologist on Friday afternoon. I'll get them filled sometime this coming week. There is no rush as my next appointment with that doctor isn't until early August.

My creatine kinase levels should be fine. I've been getting it checked since this all began. It's always been normal.  However, I have noticed my levels several years ago were at the low end of normal. Lately the levels have been at the high end of normal. High levels indicate problems with muscles.

I'm not sure I've ever had a test for aldolase (an enzyme that transform sugar into energy.

I don't know if I've ever been tested for myositis either. "Itis" means inflammation. Myositis is inflammation of the muscles caused by any number of things. I HOPE they find something.

Also on Monday, I got a call from the endocrine doctor's office telling me that my muscle and nerve biopsy is happening this Monday. Whoo hoo! (That's why this is posting late Sunday evening instead of on Monday.)

On Friday night, I got a call from the surgical hospital. They wanted to ask me some screening questions. They also informed me that I needed to go in on Saturday morning for an EKG, blood work and to be tested for COVID 19. They also said that I'd have to have a chest x-ray (!?!). But what really caught me off guard was that I was going to be given anesthesia. Huh? I could understand local anesthesia on my legs where they are going to get the samples...but why put me under? I was planning on going to and from via Uber (or even drive myself). But, no. I was told I needed a driver. So, I called my friend Erich. Even though the virus is still out there, Erich is coming. I appreciate that, even though I worry for both of us.

Saturday morning, I left the house. I noticed a garage sale near the house. Really? Who wants to buy someone's used cooties right now?

I got to the Fresno Heart & Surgical Hospital a tad late. During the pandemic, you have to enter through the rear of the building. I had my temperature taken and health questions asked. Inside the waiting room, chairs were blocked off so no one could sit in them.

I was given instructions to prepare for the procedure. I was given a bottle of chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) to bathe with. I have to use it the night before the procedure and the morning of. We use it at I guess this is sort of karma or something--ha!

I was led off to get my EKG.

I then got my blood drawn for the labs.

Lastly, I had to get tested for COVID 19. We used these swabs at work, but I've never made my patients this uncomfortable. Jeepers!

 I never did have the chest x-ray---but I was fine with that. (Why did they need one anyway?)

I am out of coffee and keep forgetting to get some when I've gone to the store. I finally just ordered some from Amazon, but it won't be here until Wednesday. I decided to make a Starbucks run. I pre-ordered my drink as I wanted to be in and out of there quickly. That didn't happen.

Inside, I was a bit distressed to see that all but two customers (aside from myself) were not wearing masks. The employees were wearing them, however one girl (in the picture below) was cheating and letting her nose be free. (Which kind of defeats the purpose...)

I waited...

And waited...

Finally the girl serving the drinks asked if I had pre-ordered. I had. I gave her my name. It had been sitting on the back counter instead of waiting out in front like they usually are when you pre-order. Hmm.

Later that day, it was Zoom time again. This time Ricki, Erich and I were chatting with Robin and Skye in Oregon.

Earlier today, Erich arrived to take me to my procedure tomorrow. We went to pick up dinner at Hino Oishi, a Japanese restaurant near Fresno State. They only offered pick up services. However, several of the neighboring restaurants had dining on patios. There were no masks to be seen any where...except on the employees.



Continue to the next part HERE.
