My Coronavirus Diary Part 71

As I write this, there are 2,280,912 cases of the coronavirus in the USA. We have had 119,975 deaths. The virus cases are increasing exponentially, with tens of thousands of new ones (27,700 on Friday alone --more than 30,000 on Saturday!) reported every day. Yet, just days ago, the president said the virus is "fading away." I'm sure he would like his supporters to believe that--but it's just not the case.


Donald Trump's first rally since the start of COVID 19 and the ensuing lockdowns happened on Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Trumpers stood in line for days for this. Ticket buyers had to sign a waiver saying they could not sue if they contracted the coronavirus while attending the non-socially distanced, mask-optional event. (The Oklahoma Supreme Court denied a request to enforce mask wearing just the night before.) Early in the day (just hours before the president's arrival), six campaign staffers tested positive for the virus. Attending this rally is of the "highest risk", according to the CDC. The state just passed the 10,000 mark in the number of cases.

TulsaWorld kept a fairly good minute-by-minute rundown of events---from the staffers testing positive to the the protesters (which were threatened by the president before the event)---with lots of photos (of the armed security guards and the non-socially distanced/non-masked Trump supporters).  CNN has an excellent look at the day as well.

Also of interest is the "Death Truck", a truck showing digital displays delivering a real-time tracker of alleged needless American deaths due to Trump's slow response to the coronavirus pandemic. The truck was parked within viewing distance of where the rally is taking place.

The coronavirus toll from the rally won't be known for weeks, but judging by the photos of the crowds in attendance (or just waiting to get in), it won't be surprising to find out that a large number got infected there.

There is a silver lining, of sorts. Trump canceled an overflow speech due to a much smaller turnout than expected. People may be smartening up? We can only hope... (Or maybe they just went to where the president's son directed them, to Tulas, Oklahoma, instead...)

Arizona will be the next state to host a Trump rally on June 23. The virus is exploding there. Masks are not required in the state. However, the city of Phoenix is supposedly enforcing the mask ordinance at the rally. That remains to be seen...

As the virus spreads, according to The Guardian, republican governors are pointing the blame of their rising numbers at easy targets, such as migrant farm workers or on younger citizens not wearing masks...instead of putting on their big boy pants and getting stricter on virus precautions.

The president, at his rally, blamed the increasing number of virus cases on the increased testing--and that he wants testing slowed down. (WTF kind of logic is that? Does he think that if we didn't test, the virus would just go away? IDIOT!)

The BBC even noted that things are getting worse here--NOT better, as those in charge would have you believe.

Despite the president's ignoring of the virus, the government is apparently getting ready for a second wave.

Yet another article points to several recent studies that show that face masks are the most effective way to stop the spread of the virus when you can not stay home. Why is NOT wearing one such a republican thing? You just can't fix stupid. It's so frustrating. And another report suggests that 100% face mask use could crush 2nd, 3rd, and 4th waves of the virus. Hello, Trumpers? Let's get this OVER with---NOT prolong it.

A doctor explains why he thinks other countries are doing so well and why we are seeing so many cases.

A company in China says it expects to have a vaccine ready by autumn.

Clinical trials are reportedly underway for a vaccine in Russia.

The Mayo Clinic is reporting great results with treating COVID 19 patients with antibody therapy.

Antibodies from the virus may only hold off immunity for a few months.

A study in Italy of a drug to treat rheumatoid arthritis that was thought to be effective against the virus shows that it fails to do anything for the patient.

Some researchers say that boosters of the measles, mumps and rubella could help prevent the most severe destruction from COVID 19.

A survey shows that COVID 19 testing supplies are still limited.

Problems with the supply chain for glass vials could delay a vaccine.

Check your phones. There may be a COVID 19 tracing program on it.

People with type 1 diabetes are at greater risk for being ravaged by the coronavirus, a new report shows.

The coronavirus is 12 times more deadly for people with underlying conditions, according to a report in the Washington Post.

Younger people in the south are testing positive for the virus.

A 16-year-old Florida boy, who took virus precautions seriously, has died.

A report says that flushing the toilet can actually lead to spreading the virus. Yikes!

Native American tribal nations are taking heavier lockdown precautions to keep their people safe.

Some patients are taking a long time to recover from COVID 19.

The navy has upheld its decision to fire Brett Cozier, the former captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt who alerted officials about the virus outbreak on his ship.

Cruise lines are voluntarily avoiding the USA until mid-September.

All major league baseball training camps have been suspended due to positive testing of several players.

The New York Post has an article on how the virus has changed sex and dating habits in the USA.

According to an article on MNBC, people are starting to ask their friends to get tested before hanging out together.

An invisible air shield on airplanes could help prevent the spread of the virus on flights.

As the coronavirus levels increase, Apple says it is closing 11 stores in 4 states.

AMC Theaters will now require theater goers to wear masks when the theaters reopen.

A failing app business in New Jersey decided to reinvent itself and created drive in theaters to stay afloat...and is now doing good business.

The Miami Dolphins have opened Hard Rock Stadium as a drive in.

A man in Chicago is washing cars and pressure washing buildings in an effort to raise money for social justice and to combat COVID 19.

A business owner in Long Island has made a business of doing birthday parade drive bys.


COVID 19 hospitalizations have been on the rise in 17 states.

An outbreak cluster in Maine is under investigation.

New Hampshire saw 37 more cases and 2 deaths on Saturday.

Massachusetts reported another 286 cases on Saturday.

New York governor Andrew Cuomo gave his final daily virus briefing on Friday. New York has really curbed the spread of the virus---something the rest of the country has not really been able to do. The governor did warn that more people are going to die. Will other states bother to listen?

New Jersey is starting to see case jumps, especially in its southern counties. The state is still planning on going ahead with the reopening of salons and barber shops Monday.

Delaware is encouraging teens to be tested following a burst of positive cases following "senior week".

North Carolina had 1,549 new cases reported on Saturday, bringing the state's tally up above 51,000.

South Carolina reported 1,157 new cases of the virus on Saturday.

Florida's re-opening plan is not working, according to an article in The Guardian. The state's infection numbers keep rising. The state reported more than 4,000 new cases of the virus on Saturday alone. Another 3,494 were tallied in on Sunday. The mayor of Naples is considering making face masks mandatory there. The governor caved somewhat and finally admitted that the increase in case numbers is not caused by increased testing. The (non-social distanced, mask-optional) Republican National Convention is scheduled in Florida for August 24 - 27. Let's see if there is anyone left standing in the state by then to host it. Jeepers! Young people have been the ones contracting the virus the most there. Doctors are worried because these young people will spread it, most of them unknowingly. "They'll kill people," one doctor said.

Clusters of outbreaks in Mississippi have been tied to fraternity parties in the state.

Pennsylvania added 464 cases on Sunday.

Indiana has had an uptick in the number of cases.

Michigan had 244 new cases on Saturday.

Illinois had 634 new positive virus tests on Saturday.

Wisconsin is seeing an increase in numbers. On Friday there were 278 new cases....but there were 385 cases reported on Saturday. Milwaukee is the state's hot spot. A strip club in another part of the state was responsible for one outbreak of the virus.

South Dakota added 61 new cases on Saturday.

Kentucky added 183 new cases on Saturday.

Missouri is seeing more and more cases.

Bars near Louisiana State University have had more than 100 cases of the virus linked to them. Yet, the state continues to reopen despite glitches and rising case numbers.

Last week, the governor of Texas publicly stated to his constituents that "there is no reason to be alarmed"--despite the number of cases in the state growing. Some bars in the state have had alcohol licenses suspended for breaking COVID 19 health rules. The Austin area had 418 cases on Saturday.  El Paso added 148 new positive cases on Sunday. The San Antonio area has been labeled a "hot spot".

Nebraska is seeing more cases. The total there is 17,591 as of Friday.

Arizona saw a leap of 3,109 new cases on Saturday.

Utah reported a new one day state high for cases on Saturday with 643 confirmed coronavirus positives.

A restaurant owned by Guy Fieri in Las Vegas, Nevada was closed down after an employee tested positive there. This comes hot on the heels after the state hit a one day record for virus cases of 445.

Idaho is seeing increased numbers. On Sunday alone, a new high number of cases, 441, was reorted. Restaurants in the state are closing down again after virus concerns elevate.

The Tri-Cities area of Washington state has seen their highest level of infection. Yakima County's hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID 19 patients and they have no room for more. The remote San Juan Island (only reachable via ferry, boat or helicopter) had another case reported. Island County (where my mom, brother and nephew live) has had another case reported and is about to start phase 3 of reopening.

Oregon reported 178 new cases on Saturday. Experts say that it is not just increased testing that is causing the increased number of cases---it's because the virus is so contagious.

Alaska added 21 new cases to its count on Friday.


The World Health Organization said that Sunday saw the biggest number of new coronavirus cases globally with 183,000 confirmed in that 24-hour period. There are 8,953,598 confirmed cases of the virus around the world. There have been 468,346 deaths.

Brazil has zoomed up in virus cases and now has more than 1 million--with no end in sight. The indigenous people of Brazil are "facing extermination" as the virus decimates the tribes. More than 7,000 people died from the virus in Brazil this past week alone.

Colombia is projecting more than 41,000 deaths by the end of the year.

Chile is tightening its restrictions now that the country has more than 220,000 cases. Last Wednesday alone, the country had more than 4,700 positive new cases.

As the UK deals with its own virus catastrophe, its government seems to be borrowing from the Trump playbook by ignoring the problem but stoking the racial issue fires. Testing inequality is also widening the divide between the rich and poor in the UK.

A study of the sewage in Italy suggests the virus was there as early as December, months before it was first documented. The country saw new outbreaks in Rome over the weekend.

Germany's virus reproduction rate has suddenly shot up by 60%.

In Russia, 330,000 people are being watched for suspected COVID 19 infection.

Morocco has started easing virus restrictions.

India has reported a huge rise in cases.

Australia is reopening, but experts are already predicting a second wave of cases there.


As the state continues to reopen, this site shows which activities are most/least risky.

Governor Newsom has ordered that every voter receive a ballot by mail. He signed the bill on Thursday evening. Hooray! Safe voting will be allowed in California, at least.

Inland Empire is seeing a big jump in cases.

Orange County is approaching 10,000 cases...and climbing.

Contra Costa County is reporting its highest number of new cases yet.

Senior facilities in Sonoma and Santa Rosa are seeing increased infections in patients and staff.

Vye sent this California COVID 19 spread gif. You can see the numbers grow as the weeks progress.


Fresno County health officials are concerned and bewildered by the county's increase in infection numbers.

Despite the governor's statewide order making face masks mandatory when out in public, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims says her officers will not be enforcing the order.

Part of the Fresno County Jail is on quarantine as 13 inmates have tested positive there.

A prisoner at Avenal Prison has died from COVID 19 complications.

Kaweah Delta Medical Center in Visalia has been successful in transforming more rooms into negative pressure rooms, so it can handle more COVID 19 patients. Currently the hospital has 40 patients.

Clovis Unified is looking at options for reopening schools in the fall.

Central California college enrollments have been impacted by the virus.

An early Father's Day parade at the Veterans Home of California was highly emotional to family members who have not seen each other in months.

Businesses in Modesto have had staff infected with the virus.

The South Valley has entered Phase 3 of reopening, with tattoo parlors back up and running.


And just in time for the Tulsa Trump rally, here is a parody of SWEET HOME ALABAMA:

Here is a TANGLED parody:

Here is an Aerosmith parody:

Here is a no-frills Ramones parody:


My friend Walter in Colombia checked in briefly. He tries, but his English is very broken.

"My family is being very careful," he said, "but in the city where they are, people ignore it. And the city is so bad that now the army is everywhere. Things are better in Medellin. People respect the rules.

"The companies in Medellin are almost all open now. And they let people out one day yes and one day no. So things in Medellin are improving. I can't go out today. "

My friend Scott Nicholson sent an email from North Carolina.

"All good here," he said. "My daughter's roommate tested positive, so my daughter had to flee her apartment at college. Luckily, she tested negative. The roommate worked at a hospital where they still don't have enough masks and protective equipment after all this time. She'll have to find a new place if they hold physical classes in the fall.

"Other than that close call, we've been really safe, even though North Carolina's cases continue to climb. More people are wearing masks and our biggest small town passed a mask ordinance for public buildings. I hear most people are complying.

"We rarely go out. I haven't been to the grocery store in maybe two weeks, although my wife has gone a couple of times. I spend my time gardening and started collecting basketball cards."

My friend Andrei, who is from Romania but lives and works in Italy, celebrated his 26th birthday on Sunday. He went to the beach with some of his co-workers. He sent along a photo of himself there. I include it so you can see just how crowded the beach was where he went.


Shirley has been going out...but mostly just lays in the flower bed closest to the patio. She's not as adventurous as she usually is. She has been waiting to be let in by the sliding glass door, though. In the past, she'd go to the door. If I wasn't there, she'd take off. But lately, she goes to the door when she wants in and waits.

On Saturday morning, I found her sleeping. She was behind her house, having gone through the hole in the back she had clawed through last week. At some point in the morning, she wanted to go back in her box. She got her head and one of her feet back into the box...but instead of crawling into it, she pushed the box across the floor. Silly girl.

Sunday was not a good day for her. She sat in her box all day and didn't come out.

She had pushed the box in front of the table leg the night before. She just sat there and sat there all morning. Around 2 pm, I put some food in front of her. Instead of coming out for it, she turned and retreated further into her box. It's days like this I worry about her...


Late Friday evening, I finally got around to getting my mail. In the mail was a postcard. I didn't notice the front was a Father's Day card until after I read the message on the reverse.

"Dad, I'm so happy I finally found you. My mom has told me so much about you. I can't wait to meet you. Your daughter, Conchita Espoza."

At first I thought it might have been put in the wrong mailbox. But I saw that it showed my address. I was trying to think of which of my neighbors could this possibly have been intended for, when I finally noticed that the card was addressed to me. Ha!

It is postmarked from Sacramento. The only person I know in Sacramento is my friend Erich's brother. Could Erich be involved in this little joke? I sent him a text, but he had already gone to bed. I was texting to Vye at the time I got it, and shared the story with her. She thought it was a funny joke and she thought it would be something she'd steal and use herself down the road sometime.

I didn't recognize the handwriting--but these days, how often do you see people's handwriting any more? As I went to bed, I wondered if it could be from Robin and Skye, they have relatives in the Sacramento area. Teri in Utah probably has friends in Sac still as she just moved from there not too long ago. Maybe it's from Ricki? Hmm. The only other person I could think of who may have done it is my friend "Mildred Pierce" in Kentucky. Not long ago, she received a card from her "secret son" (O' the scandal) that, according to what the postcard said, she keeps locked up in a special school somewhere. She may have been repaying me the favor and let me hear from my "secret daughter".

Maybe my former co-worker, Mike? Hmm...

Erich denied any knowledge of the card the next day. He thought it may have been sent by Vye (who had her traveling boyfriend, Brian, mail it while in Sacramento). He also thought it might be Robin and Skye...but wasn't so sure it could have been Ricki. Oh well. It was a funny (and, with Father's Day the following Sunday, a very timely) gag. Ha!  I appreciated someone going through the trouble. But Conchita Espoza? Okay... Whatever. Hee hee...

On Monday, I have a two doctor's appointments and I need to get labs drawn. One appointment is with the cardiologist to go over the ultrasound of my legs not long ago. The other appointment is just labs and then some blood letting (500 mls)--like I usually have done. The labs I need to get done are from the rheumatologist/immunologist.

On Tuesday, I have a follow up with the endocrinologist surgeon who did the biopsy last week. I hope they figured me out...otherwise the new numbness in my leg and foot from the surgery will have been for naught.

On Tuesday or maybe Wednesday night, I hope to go to the drive in yet again. Whoo hoo!

That's it for me. What is going on in your world?



Continue to the next part HERE.


You may have heard by now that Dump's rally in Tulsa was a flop. Hahaha.
Monster A Go-Go said…
Hi Christa,

Yes--I noted that:

There is a silver lining, of sorts. Trump canceled an overflow speech due to a much smaller turnout than expected. People may be smartening up? We can only hope... (Or maybe they just went to where the president's son directed them, to Tulas, Oklahoma, instead...)

Didn't give it a lot of notice though. I do mention it more in the next post. CHEERS!
Grover said…
Conchita esposa translated (Spanish and spanish slang) to vagina wife. Hahaha
Anonymous said…
HA!!!! Is that card from YOU, by chance?
Monster A Go-Go said…
Oops! David, that "anonymous" response was from me. Ha!
Grover said…
Not me 😥 i'm afraid
Monster A Go-Go said…
That's okay.... I was trying to wonder how you managed to get it postmarked from Sacramento. Ha! CHEERS!