There are 5,730,294 cases of the coronavirus in the United States, 46,754 new cases alone as of Saturday. There have been 177,065 deaths here from it. That is about 60 times the death toll of 9/11.
Joe Biden says that if he were president, he would follow what the scientists say and shut down the country again if that is what was recommended to beat the virus.
A Republican US Representative from Pennsylvania has tested positive for the virus.
The World Health Organization advises that kids 12 and older wear masks.
A 3-day-old infant is among new cases in Kentucky.
A 6-year-old girl in Florida has died from the virus.
Iowa had its first child death from the virus.
Schools touted by Florida Governor DeSantis are now in a quarantine nightmare.
DeSantis says that school-aged kids have a better chance of catching the flu than the virus.
Florida teachers have been battling the governor over the return to the classroom.
Two teachers in Florida have turned desks into little jeeps to make the changes for COVID 19 precautions less scary.
Des Moines Public Schools have challenged the state after being denied the ability to start the year online.
A school district in Illinois had to shut down due to an outbreak. A high school in the state also had two cases.
Orange County in California is ready to reopen schools, despite an increase in deaths there.
A woman in Florida created The COVID Monitor, a site that tracks outbreak information in schools.
Three dozens states have reported outbreaks on college campuses.
College campuses are cracking down on parties as the virus continues to spread as universities try to reopen.
Central Michigan University had 38 cases of the virus linked to it.
A fraternity at Georgia Tech is lockdown due to an outbreak.
To help slow the spread of the virus, Oklahoma State University is tracking its students whereabouts at all time.
The CDC says we can control the virus in 12 weeks and save 70,000 lives if everyone would just wear masks and practice social distancing.
The World Health Organization says the pandemic could be over in two years.
The Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden, took a picture of himself on a plane without a mask on...and was banned from Delta Airlines afterwards.
Young people are attending COVID parties to purposely get infected.
An outbreak tied to a wedding has left one dead and dozens infected.
New COVID cases in three states have been linked to the recent maskless, non-socially distant Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota. (Is anyone surprised?) Infections overall are trending upwards in the Midwest.
75 cases have been tied to a birthday party in early August.
The president recently stopped to pick up a pizza to go (REALLY!) after an appearance. Notice all of the employees in masks behind the maskless presidunce?
Sociopaths are more likely to avoid wearing masks and other COVID 19 measures. (See above)
A man in a Massachusetts WalMart was hugging people and then telling them that they now had COVID.
Concerns that a third wave (Third? I thought we were still in the first?) of the virus might be more spread out, less concentrated, harder to handle.
Rats have been reported feeding on packages of rotted fruit and meat as the postmaster general's cutbacks unleash chaos at mail centers.
This is brilliant and sums up what is happening brilliantly (but --WARNING-- it does contain some language):
The House passed a bill to reverse changes blamed for mail delay and fund the post office (but the president will probably veto it).
Trump's postmaster Louis DeJoy says getting mail-in ballots delivered is the US Post Office's No.1 priority (which I doubt...).
New Yorkers can now officially apply to vote by mail.
A COVID 19 testing company had to switch to FedEx due to United States Postal Service delays.
Pennsylvania has sued USPS for mail delays.
Tacoma, WA gets big, BIG brownie points. The post office there reconnected their sorting machine...against company orders.
In Pennsylvania, a judge ordered Trump's campaign to show proof of voter fraud. Instead of proff, they came up with a lame excuse.
Now that the post office has been dealt with, Trump has now moved on to voter drop boxes...and raged about them when he realized he didn't control them.
The World Health Organization has warned that a vaccine alone will not allow things to go back to normal.
Enrollment in minority groups for virus vaccine trials has been lagging and has slowed down the process of validating a possible vaccine.
A Latino doctor volunteered for vaccine testing because of the lack of ethnicities coming forward to do so.
Russian citizens are apparently not wanting to take the Russian-developed vaccine.
Trump has accused the "Deep State" FDA from slowing down production of a vaccine---even though vaccines usually take YEARS to make. House speaker Nancy Pelosi calls his allegations dangerous.
A new antibody trial will be starting in Ohio, Illinois and California.
The Trump Administration has granted emergency authorization for coronavirus plasma treatment. However, many scientists oppose doing this. In fact, the FDA had stopped its use 4 days ago. Why the reversal?
Goldman Sachs projects that at least 4 million will remain unemployed into 2022.
As the pandemic continues, many Americans are trying to survive on less than $200 a month.
What is keeping the Senate, the House and the president from another virus-relief package? Something really lame. But the blame game is in high gear.
Twitter flagged a tweet from the president for "misleading health claims" he wrote about voting and getting COVID 19.
Coronavirus hasn't stopped groups from gathering, but it has led to grim consequences.
Germany did an experiment with volunteers about safely holding a concert. (This was, of course, done in a country that has the virus pretty well contained.)
There have been 23,522,806 cases of the virus worldwide. There have been 810,087 deaths globally.
Spain has had a bad return of the virus, more so than any other Western European country.
The United Kingdom had its second-highest day of new cases since June.
On Wednesday, Italy had its highest day of new virus infections since May.
Australia's virus cases are dropping again. That country's strategy has worked. (Please note those in the White House...)
Nigeria has more than 50,000 cases of the virus.
India now has more than 3 million cases.
THE NEW YORKER has an article detailing how China controlled the virus.
Brazil had an amazing 50,032 new cases and 892 deaths on Friday. Despite the scope of the outbreak there, Doctors Without Borders are not being allowed to help the countries indigenous people.
Chile reported 1,926 new cases on Saturday. The country is beginning to ease its lockdown restrictions, but is concerned about a resurgence of the virus.
Colombia had 11,541 new cases and 204 deaths on Thursday.
13 people were killed in a crush as a nightclub was raided for disobeying lockdown restrictions.
Mexico has surpassed 60,000 deaths from the virus. The country came up with a way to continue education during the pandemic. They are broadcasting it on TV.
Believe it or not, there are still places in the world the virus hasn't touched.
Maine saw 18 new cases and 1 death on Sunday.
New Hampshire added 15 new cases of the virus yesterday.
Massachusetts had 109 new cases and 20 deaths Saturday.
New Jersey tallied up 427 new cases and 3 deaths on Saturday. Sunday saw 288 new cases and 3 deaths.
Virginia had 1,212 new cases on Saturday.
South Carolina reported 825 confirmed cases and 33 deaths on Saturday. There were 663 new cases and 8 deaths reported on Sunday.
Georgia added 2,592 new cases and 94 deaths on Saturday.
Florida notched up 4,311 new cases and 106 deaths on Saturday. The state crossed the 600,000 cases mark yesterday and have more than 10,500 deaths.
Ohio added 1,119 new cases and 20 deaths on Saturday.
Kentucky had 814 new cases and 8 deaths on Saturday.
Alabama tallied up 1,193 new cases Saturday and 900 on Sunday.
Michigan had 953 new cases and 11 deaths on Saturday. There were 768 new cases and 4 more deaths on Sunday.
Wisconsin's virus number grew 950 on Saturday with 13 deaths.
Illinois up its count by 1,893 cases on Sunday.
Minnesota added 728 more cases and 6 deaths Sunday.
Arkansas had 547 new cases and 11 deaths Saturday.
Louisiana had 1,223 new cases over the weekend with 59 deaths.
South Dakota reported 251 new cases on Saturday. The numbers in the Black Hills region are climbing.
Texas reported 4,943 cases on Saturday and 215 deaths.
There were 293 new cases and 2 deaths in Idaho on Saturday.
Utah had 369 new cases and 2 deaths on Saturday. There were 301 new cases reported Sunday.
Arizona added 207 new cases and 15 deaths yesterday.
Washington had 816 new cases and 7 deaths on Saturday.
Oregon had 302 new cases and 3 deaths on Saturday. On Sunday, the state once again released a list of the top 10 zip codes that have the most cases.
Hawaii has postponed lifting visitor quarantines until October 1st. The state had 284 new cases on Saturday and 1 death.
California is battling several crises at once.
As cases surge in the state, healthcare workers are saying they are not being properly protected.
More Latinos are dying of COVID 19 in California.
California's prisoners are overwhelmed with COVID 19 spread and California wildfires.
Orange County has been removed from the state's COVID watch list.
Coronavirus cases in Los Angeles County are skewing younger again.
San Bernardino County reported 432 new cases of the virus yesterday.
A second child has died in Fresno County from the virus.
Fresno County has filed an injunction against Immanuel Schools after the school repeatedly broke the states emergency orders by having class inside the buildings.
A Clovis man has started a new cookie business during the pandemic.
I never wanted this blog to get political. However, over the many weeks as I looked into things more and more, I couldn't help it. The virus has been poorly handled here. That aside, there are numerous things going on in our country that shouldn't be. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. i will tell you that I am voting for Biden/Harris and democrats up and down the ticket (which, gasp! I'm sure is NO surprise if anybody has been reading this thing). The Republicans have gotten so corrupt. Jinkies!
(Most Republican voters, believe it or not, think the economy is good, the response to COVID 19 has been acceptable and the number of deaths we've had is okay, according to a CBS report. REALLY!)
In California, check your registration, to see if your votes have been recorded, or simply register:
Everywhere else (or in California as well), visit:
The X-FILES cast and crew reassembled virtually for charity to sing the title song. (There were never lyrics to the opening theme...until NOW!) Okay, so they aren't the most musical bunch. Watch to the very end of the song after everyone leaves...
This is brilliant--The White House Answering Machine (parody):
This is a bit old, but still created since the virus started. I didn't post it originally because it wasn't virus-related. This woman covers Dionne Warwick in an anti-Trump version of "Say A Little Prayer For You."
This birthday song to Trump is wonderful (Wait for it...).
Here are some more political ads--AWESOME and powerful:
This popped up on a recent YouTube search. Oh my stars! I discovered this years ago--and was obsessed. It's 10 years old now, but still jaw-droppingly AMAZING! It may not be something created during the pandemic---but it can still be enjoyed during this time of the virus. After your eyeballs process the bizarre-o-ness they were just seeing, give it a second watch just to listen to the wack-o-rama lyrics! Zowie! Whatever happened to Leslie Hall, the creator of this wild masterpiece? BRILLIANCE!!!
Kathleen in North Hollywood, CA sent a newsy email:
"This has not been a good year for us,:" she said. "In addition to the virus and the protests, it seems like the world is falling apart.
"Rick (her husband) fell and fractured a rib in January. Horrible pain made him have to sleep sitting up.It took the usual 6 weeks to recover as the orthopedist said it would.
"One morning, we found one of our outside cats had died on our walkway. There were no signs of trauma.
"My mind was completely taken off the virus in March when I had my very first back problem. Sciatica….7 weeks of hell. The MRI showed a bulging disc. Soon after getting better, I twisted when I lifted a heavy case of cat food. This was another bad two weeks.
"I got up one morning and found our very dear 19-year-old cat had died. He was curled up in the hall waiting for breakfast. The vet said it was a heart attack or stroke.
"The nest thing: Rick was so low energy, he could barely move. Tests showed he had a very large bleeding ulcer. Last Sunday….our son had to take Rick to the ER due to chest pain. The ER diagnosed a heart attack, which was what Rick expected to hear. He was hospitalized for two nights. His angiogram was good news. It was no heart attack. Diagnosis: pericarditis. In addition to these things, Rick’s balance is terrible. The neurologist ordered in-home physical therapy.
"I can’t remember if I have told you about my vision problem. When we came home from dinner one night in March 2019, I saw two cats on our walkway. There was one cat. I have had double vision since. I had to wear a patch on my eye for months. Now, I have prisms in my glasses to keep me from seeing double. This is wonderful, but it is not the same as normal vision.
"I've seen several specialists. I've had many tests. Diagnosis: 6th nerve palsy. Specialists told me it would resolve in 6 months. It didn’t. There was a good improvement after 3 months that let me get rid of the patch. I was released for driving with many restrictions. This is why Joe (son) had to take Rick to the ER… I can’t drive at night or on freeways.
"My doctor is a neuro-ophthalmologist located next to Cedars Hospital. Apparently, this is not a common specialty, and they are usually found near teaching hospitals.
"I am happy in spite of my complaints. I have lots to be grateful for. I’m never bored at home since I have many interests. Some of my friends have complained about being bored stuck at home."
I had another postcard and letter from my friend Mauro in Italy.
"Greetings from France," Mauro said on the postcard. "In this island was born Napoleon."
"Here the situation is better," he says in the letter. "Europe borders are open, so we're in Corse (Corsica), a France island near Italy, for two weeks.
"We're in FKK naturist camp, Bagheera; kilometres and kilometres of naturist beach. A really paradise! But tourist half than a normal year. For us it's good, but restaurants, hotels, etc. are half closed. Here in Corse there is one of most beautiful Europe beach. You can see it in the postcard attach. Palombaggia!
"The landscape in this island change from north to south and east coast to west. There are also high mountains where is possible during winter season skiing. So Course is like a paradise."
Shirley has not left her corner by the refrigerator all weekend. She moves, but hasn't left the corner. She hasn't wanted out nor has she eaten. I really think it is all of the smoke in the air. According to USA TODAY, there are 560 wildfires here in California.
The heat and (especially) the horrible smoke have kept my life even duller than usual. I did make a run to Costco on Friday (and forgot to return the recalled bottle of hand sanitizer. ARGH!). Being out in that mess, walking to the store from the car, just felt so awful. I was so surprised to see places like IHOP and Colton's Social House with their parking lot dining rooms and a salon that had moved outdoors, all have so many customers. WHY would anyone want to be out in that?
On Saturday, I tried to take pictures of the orange-ish smoke-filled sky from my backyard, but it didn't come out very well.
I took this photo on Sunday afternoon---hours before sunset---when I noticed the weird orange-ish hue was reflecting off the patio.
The air has been so bad that, when I lay down at night to sleep, my asthma kicks in. I have my inhaler ready to go if it gets bad -- but would rather not use it at night if I can help it (Albuterol makes your heart start pounding). So, I've been sleeping at a 45-degree angle with some Vick's Vapo Rub up my nose (something my great grandmother used to do). Even just sitting in the house, you can tell the air is dirty. Yuck!
Because I went on leave unexpectedly and was terminated when my leave ran out, I never got to say goodbye to anyone, or tell them what happened (in case incorrect rumors may have been circulating). So I posted a note on my hospital-only Facebook page (which I rarely ever used). I had many notes from co-workers in response. It really brought tears to my eyes. These people were the BEST PART of the job. Here are some of the responses:
On Saturday, coincidentally, the day shift crew of my old department took a group photo to send to me and a few others who have recently departed the unit. The now-required masks and glasses are an interesting sign o' the times. I miss them.
I had planned to go to the drive in again this coming week or maybe go on another little field trip for the day...but all of that is on hold until the air clears.
Later today, I go back to the hematologist for another 500 ml bloodletting. O' the joy...
Continue to the next part HERE.