There are 6,150,655 cases of the virus in the USA. There have been 186,797 deaths. Last Monday, the number of cases here blew past 6 million. With Labor Day weekend here, experts are worried about a big spike in cases soon afterwards. Despite the virus outbreak, millions are expected to be traveling.
More police have been killed by COVID 19 this year than by all other causes combined (despite what Presidunce Trump would have you believe).
A report states that the border patrol did not test any of its detainees this spring.
The city of Los Angeles is facing a fiscal emergency due to the pandemic and had to furlough its mayor as well as 15,000 other employees.
A report suggests that lockdown measures earlier this spring saved lives.
A report says that 70% of coronavirus cases are in Red (Republican) states. (Which makes sense since they follow Trump).
South Dakota took top honors for becoming the nation's new No. 1 virus hot spot per capita with 2,143 new positive cases last week. I'm sure the governor, who hosted the president's 4th of July celebration as well as the more recent Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, is proud. Especially since the South Dakota State Fair has started. Can you hear the infection rate climb?
The first known COVID 19 death linked to the recent Sturgis Motorcycle Rally has happened in Minnesota.
As time marches on (it has been about 6 months since the World Health Organization declared this a pandemic) and the virus shows no sign of disappearing (not matter what the president says), people are dropping their guard--especially in the Midwest that, up until now, had not been hard hit...and infections are spiking.
The small wedding reception in Maine that led to a large outbreak is now up to 144 cases.
An outbreak at a hospital in Washington state may have been caused by extended use of PPE and through aerosol-generating procedures performed on asymptomatic COVID-19 patients.
Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi was caught getting a haircut without her mask on. (She claims she was set up.) While that was bad for Pelosi to do, the GOP and Fox News are melting down over a woman having her getting her hair done--and NOT melting down about 185,000 dead, racial tensions and division, soaring debt, the clear attempt by the president to intimidate or disenfranchise voters, Trump's masklessness and the nonsocially distant//maskless rallys he has, or even the GOP's Devin Nunez flying with his mask pulled down (which is against airline policy):
The Surgeon General of Florida was physically removed from a briefing, apparently because he wouldn’t follow the MAGA narrative on social distancing.
The Republican governor of Oklahoma refuses to issue a mask mandate.
In Colorado, a county health department is suing a racetrack for "blatant violation of public health orders” for holding an anti-virus restrictions rally with approximately 5,500 people in attendance.
Face shields should not be used alone. It is recommended to use a face mask as well.
A Republican senator from Iowa repeated a conspiracy theory that the number of COVID-related deaths has been inflated so hospitals and healthcare workers can cash in. This response pretty much shut her down.
After battling the virus for two months, one Seattle man got a big surprise -- a bill for $1.1 million, reports Fox News.
A new report says COVID 19 can wreck your heart--even if you have not had symptoms.
Millions who carry the sickle cell trait--many without even realizing it--could be facing worse instances of COVID 19.
A report says 7,000 healthcare workers in Mexico have died from the virus.
There is a report that the coronavirus may have spread via aerosol through a bathroom drain 12 floors apart in China.
The Trump Administration has done nothing really about the pandemic (aside from partially closing borders from China, ordering PPE and rounding up ventilators early on -- what has he done lately?). Under the advice of new medical advisor, Scott Atlas (a radiologist--not an immunologist), the Trump Administration is going to continue to do nothing in the hopes of achieving herd immunity. (...Which worked out so well--NOT!--for Sweden.) Still another report suggests that Trump is trying to make himself look good to voters by trying to lower case counts and deaths.
One report says that if a vaccine is available by the end of the year, it will go to Phase 1 individuals only.
A diverse population set is being sought for human clinical trials of a vaccine in Alabama.
The Novavax vaccine is safe, says a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The United States will not join a global effort led by the World Health Organization to develop, manufacture and distribute a vaccine against the coronavirus.
Some Russian teachers are afraid of back-to-school doses of the new Russian vaccine, Sputnik V.
Convalescent plasma should not be considered standard care for coronavirus patients, says the National Institute of Health.
THC is back in the news again as a possible treatment for COVID 19.
Researchers are working on a cough drop that will thicken up aerosol discharges, to keep risk of infection lower.
Stomach upset is a new symptom in children.
In Florida, a week after schools opened, the amount of children with the virus climbed 23 percent.
Actor Dwayne Johnson's entire family, including his 2 and 4-year-old daughters, have tested positive for the virus.
A 6-year-old immigrant girl, who fled Honduras to Florida with her mother a year ago, has succumbed to the virus and is now Florida's youngest victim.
An 18-year-old high school senior died after a month-long fight with COVID 19.
In a school in Texas, a true/false quiz asked if the coronavirus outbreak was a "scam." False was the incorrect answer, understandably upsetting many parents.
Schools in Ohio are now mandated to report cases.
A new online dashboard for a school district in Utah shows where there have been outbreaks at schools.
A school in North Dakota delayed opening due to some positive cases.
A school district in Tennessee has had 25 confirmed cases.
A school in Florida had one teacher and multiple students test positive.
More than 500 people from a school in Utah are in quarantine. Other schools in the state have also had positive cases.
Connecticut is providing rapid tests to all schools in the state.
Doctors are trying to come up with an effective treatment for the weird, life-threatening inflammatory response seen in some children with COVID 19.
The White House has apparently warned colleges not to send their virus-infected students home.
The University of Illinois is seeing cases rise.
A surprising amount of college athletes who have contracted the coronavirus have had myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle).
COVID 19 has been discovered in the wastewater of a dorm at Syracuse University.
Chico State became the first California university to close down dorms after a virus outbreak.
Fifty percent of those living in a fraternity in Indiana have the virus.
The University of Arizona had 126 students and faculty test positive yesterday -- the highest count at the school so far.
Georgia Southern University has 508 cases.
The University of Georgia reported 821 new cases this week---up four times as many as were reported at the school last week.
Latinos are being hard hit by the virus, especially in California.
The FBI looked into charges of fraud and neglect at two nursing homes in Pennsylvania with a high number of COVID 19 cases.
Have trouble sleeping? It may not be insomnia but coronasomnia. I'm not kidding.
Depression is on the rise during the pandemic.
Mich McConnell says he is unsure of another coronavirus relief bill coming any time soon.
In Texas, after getting laid off and getting evicted, another family faces homelessness during the pandemic.
The Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an order to temporarily halt evictions through the end of the year.
With millions out of work due to the pandemic, 2,000 jobs will be available in Illinois as a manufacturer of rapid COVID 19 tests is geared to spring into action.
The coronavirus pandemic is likely to leave a legacy of fear and uncertainty that will hold back the economy for decades, a report suggests.
Doctors are advising people to wear masks when having sex.
A Wisconsin man detailed his disastrous experience with virus testing, calling it a "s#!%show."
A Texas woman was severely burned after her hand sanitizer caught fire and exploded.
A little dog, left behind by its owners at the start of the pandemic, traveled 10,000 miles to be reunited.
Just as reopening schools, colleges, and sports has failed with the spread of the virus, the movie/TV industry is also meeting with the same problem. The new BATMAN movie, which was shut down 5 1/2 months ago in the UK due to the outbreak, resumed production...only to close down 3 days later due to star Robert Pattinson testing positive.
Beware: There is a pandemic grant scam circulating on social media.
Uber is going to require some riders to take selfies to prove they are wearing face masks.
Sea-Tac Airport in Washington has beefed up COVID 19 security measures.
Forbes Magazine listed the 100 safest countries to visit during the pandemic. Germany was first. Colombia was last. The USA was all of the way down at 55 (just above Croatia, Tunisia, and Argentina).
Restaurants in New Jersey can now serve food indoors--with restrictions.
Taco Bell is eliminating 5 more menu items to make their drive-thru services more efficient as the pandemic continues...
PAC 12 players will be getting daily tests.
There have been 26,304,856 cases of the virus globally. There have been 868,746 deaths worldwide.
Spain and Russia have seen sharp spikes in new cases. Russia alone has now surpassed one million cases.
Mexico is downplaying the number of cases among medical personnel.
The numbers of cases in Brazil have surpassed 4 million. Despite this, there are signs that the virus is easing off there.
Colombia has begun to look at reopening as virus numbers lower.
Maine added 53 new cases yesterday.
The governor of Massachusetts is looking at programs to help areas with consistently high virus cases.
New Jersey is up 455 cases and 9 deaths as of Thursday.
South Carolina had 1,084 new cases and 12 deaths yesterday.
Georgia was up 2,733 new cases and 75 deaths as reported yesterday.
Florida had 3,571 new cases and 149 deaths on Thursday.
Pennsylvania added 1,160 new cases and 20 deaths yesterday.
Outbreaks at universities in Ohio are being blamed for the rising numbers and raised restrictions in certain areas.
Indiana now has a color-coded map showing counties that have few cases on up to heavy case-filled counties.
The governor of Minnesota reminded citizens to stay focused on keeping safe through the holiday weekend.
Iowa has 662 new cases and had 9 new deaths as of yesterday.
Arkansas had 969 new cases and 20 deaths reported yesterday.
The governor of North Dakota introduced his revised plans for the state reopening.
The governor of Texas will be discussing reopening plans next week. The state reported 4,157 new cases and 189 new deaths from Wednesday.
Utah bumped up 504 new cases and 4 deaths yesterday.
Nevada is looking for a way to ease coronavirus restrictions. The state had 351 new cases (287 of those in Clark County, home of Las Vegas) and had 27 deaths yesterday.
Hawaii bid aloha to 211 new cases yesterday.
California reported 4,255 new cases and 145 new deaths on Thursday.
As the virus continues to spread here, wildfires continue to rage--and it's not a pleasant combination.
The death toll in Orange County has bypassed 1,000 yet county leaders keep politicizing the outbreak.
Alameda County has had its deadliest period with the virus yet.
With movie theaters still closed through much of the state, a theater in Red Bluff is planning on holding a free pop up outdoor theater on weekends.
A nurse from Community Regional Medical Center has died from COVID 19.
Fresno baseball legend Tom Seaver has passed away from COVID 19 and complications from dementia.
As the pandemic continues, the demand for farm fresh milk deliveries grows.
Camp Green Meadow, a week-long outdoor experience at camp, has gone virtual for the 2020 school year.
The popular Halloween attraction, Hobb's Grove, plans to open in early October. Just how they will deal with crowds and social distance in the attractions remains to be seen.
The Atwater Pumpkin Patch at Hunter Farms is readying to open during the pandemic.
Selma will soon have a pop up drive-in on weekends.
Old Navy will be paying its employees to be poll workers this election day. AWESOME!
With the pandemic still uncontrolled and the presidential election is coming, the president and the RNC are suing Montana on its plans to allow mail-in voting.
Russia is amplifying the claims that mail-in voting leads to fraud.
Check out Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian, and her voting tips for Republicans:
This is great. Have I ran this before? It's history according to Trump (and that "big brain" of his he boasts about):
This was recently uploaded, but must be older --- possibly from Trump's 2016 presidential run(?). It is also very smart and very funny.
This is kind of jaw-dropping. It's one of the president's speeches from the RNC...and it is fact checked. Apparently he lied about every 56 seconds! Sad--but true (and not a surprise!)
This is not quite a political ad. Is is a renowned doctor discussing the president's mental health. Wow!
And here is the latest crop of hard-hitting political ads:
My CNA friend in Wisconsin, Kim, sent a note:
"Work at the hospital is going well," she said. "We are low census. I got an 'on call' today. I picked up at the assisted living this weekend. Our assisted living is doing okay. We all got tested yesterday. The results should be coming in tomorrow. I am praying that we are all good. I will keep you posted.
"We were going to start family visits up, by letting them visit outside. But the cases of COVID 19 in the community have gone up, so my boss is not going to start that yet. I do not blame her. We just saw on Facebook that the St. Paul Home in Kaukauna posted that 29 residents are positive and they have had 4 deaths. Other nursing homes and assisted livings in the valley are getting hit hard. She doesn't want this nightmare to happen to us. It is so sad.
"I am staying home as much as possible. I went to my doctor appointment yesterday and the place was packed. I just get so nervous being around that many people. I had to go for my blood sugar check.
"The incidents that happened in Kenosha are so scary. This world is becoming a very scary place.
"My aunt lives in Milwaukee. She has an African-American husband and son. She was telling me that her son was called the 'N' word walking down the street with her. That made me so sad. She also said that she gets treated differently when she is alone versus being with them. That is why she explained to my uncle how she sees this first hand and lives it everyday.
"When she came to town she saw how many Trump supporters there are, she was just about sick. We even have a guy in a truck selling Trump stuff as you go out by Wal-Mart. My uncle told my aunt he wants Trump because Biden is going to defund the police and take away guns. She and I both had a fit! Biden is not going to take away guns. They will still be able to deer hunt. I feel I might need to move to Canada.
"My mom has 2 new feral kittens outside and we named them Biden and Harris."
My friend David in Australia sent me a note thanking him for a thank you card I had sent him. Ha! He included a photo of the card at his house.
Shirley didn't want to go out Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. The air was bad from the fires and it was hot, so I let her be. On Thursday, I insisted she go out. I had visitors that day, and I knew they'd want to see her. Although she stayed in the planter nearest the patio, she moved further into the brush when my friends were here. Once they were gone and I was cleaning up, she appeared on the patio, face smeared with peas, and wanted to go in.
She went to her cardboard condo. Somehow, during the night, she turned the box to the side so that the main entrance faced the cabinet, effectively blocking out the light. She stayed in there all day Thursday sleeping...
Take a look out of the front room window. What do you see? Yep, the "fence neighbors" still have their trailer illegally parked on the street...and it has been there at least a month now. Whatever...
This week has been nice. I have not had any medical appointments. Ha! I have had a lot of paperwork to tackle (and am still working on) for insurance and disability, etc. I did have a brief Zoom call with my friend Ricki. It was just she and I---no Erich, Vye, or Shookie. It was still nice to chat with her---if only rather quickly.
On Wednesday, I was having company. I needed to get going early that day, but have had horrible insomnia (coronasomnia?). I had to take something to sleep Tuesday night (well, early Wednesday morning). I had groceries to pick up between 8 and 9....and I got there by 8:45.
When Christina and Mandy arrived, they had a huge bag of gifts for me.
They sat at socially distant places, with their own tables (each with hand sanitizer).
It was so nice of them and everyone at the hospital in my unit to send me the surprise package. But what initially looked like some chips and drinks and things like that, turned out to be so much more. There was a card that was signed by most of the staff.
In addition to drinks and snacks (there were also things like nuts and Moon Cheese --- all lower carb items), there were books (a pair of tiki books), a bottle of wine, a bottle of champagne, a bottle of low-carb margaritas--already mixed and a a bottle of rum! What!?! There were other fun things--pink flamingo swizzle sticks, cocktail umbrellas, a tiki bar sign, a tiny tiki lantern, a shot glass that said "Cheers", two glasses with cocktail recipes on the side, and a coffee mug shaped like a prescription bottle--and the t-shirt they had mentioned.
But then I opened another envelope. It didn't contain a card and at first it didn't register what I was holding. It turned out to be an envelope filled with gift cards. They were from Amazon, Trader Joe's, Uber, Starbucks and Door Dash. There was a prepaid Visa card and an American Express card. Altogether, it was hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of gift cards (I don't know the amount of the Starbucks card). That was overwhelming. I never expected anything like that...and, of course, I got teary-eyed. It was so incredibly kind of them all. I was so touched. And so speechless.
The job was "just a job." It was those people in my unit --- those wonderful, generous people --- that made the job enjoyable. And I had only been there 6 years. I couldn't believe how nice that made me feel; how loved and missed it made me feel. I was so honored. (I'm getting teary now just writing about it...)
The ladies and I talked for a while. They caught me up on the happenings at the hospital. When it came time to leave, I sent them home with some cookies I had picked up for their kids at the bakery. Mandy sent this photo of her daughter enjoying one.
Christina sent this picture of her children with theirs as well.
Even though I had been home all of those months, I had felt sort of ashamed about leaving--as silly as that sounds. So, I had kept my distance from them---instead of being a long-distance presence with texts, calls, etc. But that night, after Mandy and Christina left, I got several texts from others I had worked with. It was all so nice. I am still just amazed by the whole thing.
THANK YOU, Rehab peeps!
Continue to the next part HERE!