Halloween Party 1988

Back in October of 1988, I was working at Orchard Supply Hardware. One of my co-worker's, Mark Gilmore, had a Halloween party at his apartment and many of the Orchard crew were invited. I don't remember much about the party, but I came across all of these photos from it, including a picture of the front of one of the invitations I made (there were several styles, but only this one remains). Take a look...if you DARE!

Here is Mark as Zorro with his OSH gal pal, Lupe. Lupe was a cashier, like I was. Mark worked in (hmm...) the paint department, I think. (Or  was it plumbing? Lighting?)  Lupe and Mark went with me and my buddy Chris Lavagnino (also from OSH) to Disneyland once. Some of those photos can be seen HERE.

These two guys, I remember who they were (without make-up), but not their names. They worked in hardware or garden (or paint???). For some reason I want to say the guy in the gray wig was from Australia or something like that.

The guy on the right is my pal Chris Lavagnino (dressed as George Jefferson, from "The Jeffersons"). The guy in the disco threads is his friend Larry.

This is Greg and Angela. It seems like I may have gone to their wedding---but I don't remember it. I DO remember going to Greg's bachelor party, though. They had gotten a stripper and we all had to eat gummi worms off of a part of her anatomy (mine was on the top of her cleavage!) and then we went out drinking. He got so very drunk and was puking in the Black Angus parking lot. Jeepers!

These guys I remember...except for the devil chick. The Asian guy in the center (...what was his name? ) did work in the garden section. The two guys on either side worked over by hardware, but were the ones that loaded stuff into cars for people. I don't recall their names though. Devil chick, I'm clueless about. I think I remember thinking I had no idea who she was even then.

Larry, Chris and Larry's sister. (Argh... I USED to know her name as well).

The girl on the left is Debbie Livermore. She worked at Orchard's with us. The other two girls are her roommates, Linda and ....argh, what was her name? Amazingly, growing up, I lived in San Jose on Merrywood Drive. Debbie apparently lived one block over from me at that time, but we didn't know each other then. We didn't know each other until we were both working at the hardware store. While there, we compared notes about where we had lived growing up and the San Jose connection was discovered. Amazing.

Again, no idea who the devil girl is and I have no memory of Debbie's other roommate's name.

Debbie was a year older than me and was the only one who believed Chris and I when we called, saying that Patrick Swayze was at Wilikers one night. He had been in town a few months earlier filming "Road House" somewhere in the area. Why he was back in town, we had no way of knowing (reshoots, perhaps?). Debbie had been asleep when we called, but she got up, threw on some clothes and came down to the bar to see him. Some girl went up to Mr. Swayze and asked for his autograph. He refused her. Chris and I thought that his behavior could not go unpunished, so we devised a plot. It was my idea---but Chris executed it, while I sat with the getaway car ready to take off. Chris walked up to the window next to the booth Patrick Swayze was sitting at, dropped his pants and stuck his butt against the glass. While Chris got the honor of giving Patrick Swayze a B.A., I had the thrill of seeing Patrick Swayze's startled reaction. Too awesome.

This is Renee. She and Chris dated for a while.

I remember Chris and I were writing a parody of the Suzanne Vega song "My name is Luka" that we never finished. It was called "My name is Lupe." It went something like this:

"My name is Lupe.
I work at a hardware store.
I am a cashier.
Man, this job is such a bore.
But if you have a question or need advice,
about a certain piece of merchandise,
just don't ask me. I don't know.
Just don't ask me. I don't know."

That's as far as we got.

There are no photos of me at this soiree, but I know I was there. Duh! I took the photos. However, I do remember being a zombie at work once. (I distinctly remember dripping "blood" on to the floor. Oops.) Although I can not be sure I wore the same outfit to the party or not, the photos of me as a zombie HERE (taken at home) may be from that night.

Dang, that was more than 29 years ago. Time flies (and apparently so does my memory...).

Thanks for looking. CHEERS!
