Legs Update #12--A quick follow up.

This morning, I had a doctor's appointment with my primary care doctor, Dr. Gardner. I had had a bunch of blood work done and he went over some of the findings. First of all (and this has NOTHING to do with my legs), because my hemoglobin was high last time, he had me tested for Hemochromatosis, which is a hereditary disease and causes mutations of the C282Y and H63D chromosomes. (It could also affect the S65C chromosome, but mine was fine.) This abnormality results in high hemoglobin and high iron counts. The doctor says it is nothing to worry about. It can be treated. He is referring me to a hematologist (blood doctor).

My A1C was also tested. Six months ago, it was 5.4 (Normal is 4.8 to 5.6). This time, I was 5.8--in the prediabetic stage (5.7 to 6.4). This was of great concern to me, naturally, as I do not want to become a diabetic. But that is the result of my legs, not being able to exercise and the weight gain that has occured because of this.

I brought up my legs. He asked about the neurologist and his findings. I told him about the test yesterday, how it showed I have polyneuropathy, but not CIDP as he had suspected. I mentioned the upcoming MRI, but also how he was basically saying there was nothing further he could do once the MRI confirms it is not CIDP. I then asked for a referral to Stanford or UC San Francisco. He agreed. He wrote on the chart for his people to make a referral to Stanford. My fingers are crossed in the hope this works.

While I wait anxiously for that to happen, I also wanted to share a video link my friend Mel sent me. He has been pushing for me to try the Mayo clinic. It is a bit far from here, but they do miraculous things. Mel sent this short (3 minutes) video from the TODAY Show showing a guy who had amazing success with the hospital. Here is the link:


If Stanford fails me, MAYO is my next call hopefully.

Finally, just as an aside, I forgot to mention something that happened yesterday. After my EMG, Dr. Birnbaum was leading me to the appointment area to schedule my follow up. He was leading, I came second and Erich was in the rear. As we were walking, there was this huge, loud fart. I was mortified, but didn't say anything, but turned to give Erich a vicious look. Was it him? Apparently not. He said it wasn't him. He thought it was me. I must have been Dr. Birnbaum. Jeepers. Who knew I had a farter for a doctor?

Okay--I'll keep you posted.


PS The next update is HERE.


Mildred Pierce said…
If you hadn't told all those lies, your legs probably wouldn't be bothering you!!!
Monster A Go-Go said…
I have NO idea what you are talking about? What lies. The only lies I am aware of are the ones you tell yourself every day that help get you through your day. "I am gorgeous and desirable." "Everyone is jealous of me and wants to be me." "All men want me." etc. So sad....