My Coronavirus Diary Part 36

The United States has more than 700,000 cases of the coronavirus. We have more cases than any other country in the world. Spain is in second place with less than 200,000 cases. Our numbers keep growing and yet the president wants to open up the country to save the economy. He is inciting further protests with tweets such as "Liberate Michigan," "Liberate Minnesota," etc. This is especially problematic as these rural states are starting to see a dramatic increase in virus cases where sheltering in place orders are not in place. Profits over people. Another tweet from someone named HunterJ said it best; " 'Opening up America Again' when the curve is just beginning to flatten is like stopping your prescribed antibiotics because you started to feel better." Even New York Magazine thinks this is a bad idea.

The president continues to tweet rude comments about those governors not on board with his plans. He was tweeting about Governor Cuomo in New York while the governor was doing a daily virus update. Cuomo's response was great. Cuomo also reports that New York is still getting about 2,000 virus-related hospitalizations a day.

There have been more than 154,000 deaths around the world. More than 37,000 have been here. The new drug to help treat the virus, Remdesivir, does show promise. It has not fully been clinically tested, the side effects are not known, but is has shown promising improvement in a sizable portion of those in sample studies. Patients in the study have also died, but the medication shows great potential.

Others, who have recovered from the virus, are now concerned about the long-term effects the virus may have left them with.

The federal government is risking millions on a possible vaccine being developed in Massachusetts. The vaccine isn't even to stage one of clinical trials yet and may not work.

The UN is charging that the US is unlawfully expelling asylum seekers. There were 44 Guatemalan refugees on a deportation flight from the US to Guatemala that tested positive and were probably infected in the US.

I read about a plan the president has for a "payroll tax holiday" that would essentially gut Social Security if it comes to pass.

Meanwhile, as toilet paper and other supplies return to market shelves, it looks as if meat and produce could become harder to come by temporarily in the coming weeks. Globally, the UN is warning of a food shortage---but experts say there won't be much of a problem here.

Locally, 21 healthcare workers at a south valley hospital have tested positive for the virus. Fresno County has had its second highest day number of new cases, bringing its total number of cases to 295.

A Clovis middle school student has taken it upon himself to use his 3D printer to make safety masks for health care workers at a local hospital. 411 Broadway Ales & Spirits, a local brewery, is making and giving away free hand sanitizer. You just need your own container.

I had a quick note from my friend and former co-worker, Jenny, today.

"The one good thing from this terrible pandemic is now we have the time to hear from friends," she said.

Unfortunately, so hot on the heels of my birthday this past Wednesday, I didn't really hear from many people yesterday--and don't have much to share as to how they are doing where they are.

No news is good news, I guess.



Continue to the next part HERE.


Yes, no news good news! Thanks again for an informative post. Stay in touch and stay safe!
Monster A Go-Go said…
Hi there, Christa. Thanks, as always, for taking a look and saying hello.

Stay SAFE.