My Coronavirus Diary Part 47

Comngratulations...we've surpassed 1 million confirmed cases of the virus here in the USA. Oh my stars! The infection keeps spreading and one model shows the death rate climbing in the coming weeks. Our death toll from this virus is now more than 58,000---more deaths than we had casualties in the Vietnam War.

Now that some states are (irresponsibly) allowing some businesses to open up, the president is pushing to re-open schools. Really? Where is the testing to insure safety for students and school employees? He also ordered meat processing plants to stay open, despite the outbreaks of the virus several of them have seen as of late. Geez! I'm glad I DON'T live in Georgia or other states that are being so reckless. Georgia's death rate could double by August according to a new model that takes into account the state's relaxed social distancing rules. Germany started re-opening too early and is starting to see an upswing in infections once again. Get a clue, USA.

Speaking of testing, someone on Twitter posted video of a man getting swabbed for his test. Yikes!

The pharmaceutical company Moderna has started Phase 2 --human trials with volunteers--of their attempt at a vaccine. Another possible vaccine being tested in Oxford showed that 6 monkeys who had received the test vaccine did not get the virus after heavy exposure to it. Pfizer says it will have a vaccine ready for "emergency use" this fall. The anti-body testing that scientists insist we need is said to be seriously flawed. Dang!

Iowa is starting to really get hit. The state has had 508 new cases reported yesterday with 9 deaths. However, the state is telling workers they must return to jobs or lose their benefits even though University of Iowa researchers are warning about a new wave of infections if precautions are not taken.

Michigan hit 40,000 cases. Tennessee re-opened restaurants Monday, the day the state saw its biggest jump in confirmed cases. Louisiana extended its stay-at-home orders until at least May 15. Nearly 70 people died from the virus in a veteran's home in Massachusetts.

North Carolina has an increase in the number of cases. It also arrested protesters who want the stay-at-home order lifted. (Good for you, North Carolina!) One protest organizer missed her chance to participate because she was home in quarantine---with the virus.

"This virus doesn't take the weekend off," fumed Governor Gavin Newsom as many Californians flocked to beaches in Orange and Ventura counties last weekend against state mandated lockdown orders, which could loosen the hold the state had on the virus. The governor plans to step up enforcement of the rule.

Vice President Mike Pence is apparently above wearing a mask. On his recent visit to the Mayo Clinic, he was the only one not wearing a mask. His excuse was he wanted to look people in the eye. Hello? Masks cover noses and mouths--NOT eyes.

We've had lions and house cats getting the virus from human hosts. Now it looks like the first dog in the US, a pug, has gotten the virus.

Essential workers from WalMart, Amazon, Target, FedEx, and Whole Foods are planning a one-day "sick out" strike against the companies, who have had record profits, but still are not protecting their employees during this pandemic.

The Oscars are bending the rules for this year as theaters are forced to be shuttered for the pandemic.

The president's approval rating has dropped again. OMG. Are people finally waking up? (Doubtful, but one can hope...)

Best-selling authors John Grisham and Stephen King are hosting an evening of conversation together (yet separately) today. The event is free and you can register for it HERE and ask questions by using the hashtag #AskKingandGrisham .You can also watch from Stephen King's YouTube site. The event, which starts at 7 pm Eastern/4 pm Pacific is totally free, but is planned as a fundraiser for BINC, the Book Industry Charitable Foundation.

I had not heard from my friend Nedra. I sent her a quick note asking how she was (she had the test for the virus last week and was supposed to get the results on Friday or Monday) and how her mom was (Her mom is in a nursing home and tested positive for the virus recently). She sent a quick note back, but did not answer my questions. She wrote:

"You are always a joy, and a part of my happiness.  Xoxoxo  Mom is holding steady."

Okay... I'm glad her mom is hanging in there...but what about Nedra's test results? I'm guessing it was negative?

I had to go to the bank today to get money from my state disability card to put into my bank account so I could pay bills. I wore a mask (as everyone else was who worked at the bank or was a customer). My allergies had been triggered and my nose was running big time. UGH! I thought I'd be kicked out from my sniffling, but I wasn't.

On the way home, I decided to stop and get something fast food-y. However, on my end of town, there isn't much of a choice when it comes to drive thrus. There is Jack In The Box, Taco Bell, and Foster's Freeze. Since I had gone to Taco Bell the day before for breakfast, I opted for Foster's Freeze. How would their social distancing compare to Taco Bell's the day before?

There was no comparison. While the Foster's employees wore masks and gloves, they grabbed my ATM card from me and handed me my food. Hmm.

Yesterday evening was Shookie's Zoom cocktail birthday party. It was swell to see Ricki, Erich, Shookie and Vye via Zoom for Shook's birthday---but again, it wasn't as good as actually being with them. 

We had a good time, though. We all wore hats and Vye presented Shookie with a "cake" made of leftover Easter Peeps. Ha! We gabbed for an hour and a half.

Later that evening, I decided to drive over to the DMV. It's not too far from my house and I thought I'd save myself a stamp and some time. I was dropping off the form to get myself disabled license plates and a handicapped placard. Damn. I'd really rather not have them. I want my legs back. Damn. Damn. Damn....

Not that I needed it (and it certainly is not on my diet), but after the DMV I decided to try Taco Bell. I ordered a few new (to me) menu items, like the Flamin' Hot Doritios Locos Taco and the Black Bean Crunchwrap Supreme.

I didn't need the food --I wasn't even hungry, but why not? The drive thru server was not as careful as the previous one. While she was masked up and did serve the food on trays, she took my card and handed it back. She had on gloves, but...

My friend Erich called after I was home. We chatted a bit and then he said that he really missed seeing me. He wanted to know when I thought we could visit each other again. I said we could when it was deemed safe to do so. He is going to visit his brother in Sacramento this weekend and wanted to come down here afterwards, but I told him no. He is going to be hitting 70 this year and I have so damn many health issues--it isn't safe for either of us. 

At the same time, I can't help but think about that nurse in New York City that had been working that hell zone with all of those COVID 19 patients, who got infected herself, went back to work when she was better---and then committed suicide. I'm not on the front lines. I'm not even working any more. If the virus doesn't get me then whatever my disability is will. I don't want to die--but I can't think of what I have to live for at the moment. I can't see my friends. I can't see my family. I can't even see my "work family"--all of which I really miss. I can't go to tiki bars and I can't fulfill my wanderlust and go traveling---everywhere is closed. There really is nothing for me to do but sit here and hang out with Shirley, the wonder tortoise, and wait to see what happens next. But then, everyone is in the same boat. (It's just that not everyone has a life of being handicapped to look forward to when this eventually ends...) Oh well. It could be worse. I'm just feeling sorry for myself, I guess. It really, really could be worse.



Continue to the next part HERE.


Miss Medina said…
We will get there again, my friend! Have patience, faith, and just carry on. You still have a lot left in this world to accomplish! 😉
Monster A Go-Go said…
Why are you still up? Go to sleep... There are things I still want to do. Lots o' things. Carry on, indeed.

We'll beat this! One day we'll laugh at it all.
Monster A Go-Go said…
Hi Scott. Yes, we'll beat this---lo-n-g after the rest of the world does (as people here seem rather stupid). CHEERS!
Hang in there Shawn. We love you and are sending good thoughts your way. Remember, we'll have to do another wine tasting event up north once this is over with or at least more relaxed.
Monster A Go-Go said…
Sign me up. I need to go-go somewhere. If there is alcohol involved, so much the better. Miss ya. CHEERS!
Anonymous said…
Love from Oregon. You have to hang On for our “We survived” party!!!
Monster A Go-Go said…
As do you, my dears! CHEERS and thanks for visiting.