Leg Update #9...Oh my STARS! I am so SHOCKED/THRILLED/SURPRISED!!!

Oh my STARS! I am so excited! No, I do not have a diagnosis...or even an appointment with the new neurologist yet. But...OH MY STARS! I can't believe this. I am just amazed.

I have a friend named David who lives in Australia. I've known David for 15 years or so...and I really can't remember exactly how we met, but I know it was online somehow. (eBay, maybe?) I've stayed in touch with him via email and letters, Christmas cards and postcards. I actually met him once a few years back when he and his partner Lawrence were visiting Los Angeles. I was down there visiting the city too and we spent a wonderful day together visiting Warner Brothers Studio. If I'm not mistaken, I think I dragged them off to dinner at a tiki-esque restaurant (what a surprise! NOT!) in Glendale called Damon's.

Over the years, David has occasionally surprised me with things in the mail. I remember once he sent me a vintage promotional flyer for the Farmer's Market in Los Angeles that he picked up somewhere. More recently he sent me a strange tiki banner he found in New Zealand (You can read about it HERE).
A few days back he sent a message saying he was sending me a gift and it would be arriving on Tuesday, the 27th. What could it be? A T-shirt? A book? A tiki mug? Whatever it was, I thanked him for it and told him I hoped I remembered to check the mail that day. I often don't check the mail for days on end...especially when I am working.

Today, as the long 12+ hour work day was winding down, I got this email from David:

How exciting.....(see picture)
Something will be waiting when you get home...

I love tracking packages....

The package from David! I had forgotten all about it.

I wrote him back and told him thank you again for whatever it was and that I'd get it when I got home.

He responded:

What time do you finish up tonight? 

Also, don't get too excited...the gift aims to disappoint!

I keep forgetting you guys are a whole day behind. It's currently lunch time on Wednesday here. It's like dinner time yesterday (Tuesday) for you I'd say?

Happy Tuesday (well, Australian Wednesday)


I responded:

I am supposed to be off now, but it will be a while more. It’s 7:30. I’ll be home before 9. I have to stop on the way home. 

When I got home, it was late, I was tired and I needed to go to the bathroom really, REALLY badly (No. 1 and No. 2). As I drove up, I noticed the garbage cans were sitting out front, waiting to be put away. That reminded me to look in the mailbox as the cans were right next to it. As I flipped through the mail, there was nothing from David...but there was a package from my friend Nedra (More on that in a bit). Hmm. I put the cans away and went in the house through the garage.

I looked through the mail again. Nothing from Australia. Maybe it was too big for the mailbox and left by the front door? I turned on the porch light and opened the doors to take a look. Oh my stars! There was a huge box sitting on the front porch.

What could it be, some Australian tiki idol? I looked at the return address. It wasn't from Australia. Instead, it was from Amazon. Huh?

I dragged it into the house (it was heavy). And proceeded to open it.

There was a second box within the first box. What could it be? I removed the outer plastic bindings of the second box, but before I could go further, I realized I could not hold it any longer and made a dash for the bathroom! EEK!

As badly as I had to go, I couldn't wait to be finished. What could be in the box?, I thought as I sat there evacuating the remains of last night's dinner while I was mentally excavating the mysterious contents of the box from David. What could it possibly be?  I was completely stumped.

As soon as I was done and washed my hands, I literally ran (well, hobbled quickly) down the hallway and back to the box.. I cut through the tape and got it open. There were lots of parts to assemble, but what was it? OMG! I couldn't believe it. David had read my last leg update (HERE), got all sleuthy playing Sherlock Holmes on Amazon and sent me the rowing machine I hoped to get for myself someday soon. NO WAY!


Knowing he would be waiting to hear from me (since it was only late afternoon there), I sent him a note, trying to convey my absolute shock, amazement, thrill, surprise, amazement and thanks. I'm still flabbergasted.

David wrote back:

Woo hoo!

I used the picture from your blog to find it on Amazon, so I hope it is either the right one, or one that will do for the time being!

I've been meaning to send a gift recently and just could not think "what"... So I got inspiration from your poorly legs and thought you might benefit from this more than a tiki mug or something pop culture-y.

You are a really good friend and I appreciate knowing you so much. 

So, I sent a rowing machine! 

Now get to exercisin'!


Golly, how did I ever get so lucky to have such amazing and wonderful friends? I am floored. Really.

And while we are on the subject, this has nothing to do with my legs but everything to do with my amazing and wonderful friends. As I mentioned above, when I was going through the mail tonight, there was a package from one of my oldest and dearest friends, Nedra. Her package was also a complete surprise.

In it, I found a book. But it was not just any book. Nooooo. It was a completely awesome and o' so funny book entitled "BORING POSTCARDS". Just take a look at some of the postcards featured inside:

Ha! I LOVE IT!!!  It is soooo perfect for me and so laugh out loud hilarious. And if you know me and I have your address, there's a chance YOU may have received a (hopefully not nearly as boring) postcard from me. (But now, o' yes, I will begin my hunt for the lamest postcards I can find. Ha! Too funny.) I wonder if the Clown Motel is in the book? Ha!

Thank you BOTH! After the HORRIBLE day I had at work, this was just what the doctor ordered. Zowie! I am just speechless. Some people are so nice...and I know two of them.


Now if I can just figure out how to assemble the rowing machine...

The next leg update is HERE.



Mildred Pierce said…
If they knew what you're really like they wouldn't have sent anything!!!
Monster A Go-Go said…
You are right. If David knew I was associated with YOU---even by such long distances--he'd shun me for life. O' the horror you bring to my world...