Oh my STARS! I am so excited! No, I do not have a diagnosis...or even an appointment with the new neurologist yet. But...OH MY STARS! I can't believe this. I am just amazed.
I have a friend named David who lives in Australia. I've known David for 15 years or so...and I really can't remember exactly how we met, but I know it was online somehow. (eBay, maybe?) I've stayed in touch with him via email and letters, Christmas cards and postcards. I actually met him once a few years back when he and his partner Lawrence were visiting Los Angeles. I was down there visiting the city too and we spent a wonderful day together visiting Warner Brothers Studio. If I'm not mistaken, I think I dragged them off to dinner at a tiki-esque restaurant (what a surprise! NOT!) in Glendale called Damon's.
Over the years, David has occasionally surprised me with things in the mail. I remember once he sent me a vintage promotional flyer for the Farmer's Market in Los Angeles that he picked up somewhere. More recently he sent me a strange tiki banner he found in New Zealand (You can read about it HERE).
A few days back he sent a message saying he was sending me a gift and it would be arriving on Tuesday, the 27th. What could it be? A T-shirt? A book? A tiki mug? Whatever it was, I thanked him for it and told him I hoped I remembered to check the mail that day. I often don't check the mail for days on end...especially when I am working.
Today, as the long 12+ hour work day was winding down, I got this email from David:
How exciting.....(see picture)
Something will be waiting when you get home...
I love tracking packages....
The package from David! I had forgotten all about it.
I wrote him back and told him thank you again for whatever it was and that I'd get it when I got home.
He responded:
What time do you finish up tonight?
Also, don't get too excited...the gift aims to disappoint!
I keep forgetting you guys are a whole day behind. It's currently lunch time on Wednesday here. It's like dinner time yesterday (Tuesday) for you I'd say?
Happy Tuesday (well, Australian Wednesday)
I responded:
I am supposed to be off now, but it will be a while more. It’s 7:30. I’ll be home before 9. I have to stop on the way home.
When I got home, it was late, I was tired and I needed to go to the bathroom really, REALLY badly (No. 1 and No. 2). As I drove up, I noticed the garbage cans were sitting out front, waiting to be put away. That reminded me to look in the mailbox as the cans were right next to it. As I flipped through the mail, there was nothing from David...but there was a package from my friend Nedra (More on that in a bit). Hmm. I put the cans away and went in the house through the garage.
I looked through the mail again. Nothing from Australia. Maybe it was too big for the mailbox and left by the front door? I turned on the porch light and opened the doors to take a look. Oh my stars! There was a huge box sitting on the front porch.
What could it be, some Australian tiki idol? I looked at the return address. It wasn't from Australia. Instead, it was from Amazon. Huh?
I dragged it into the house (it was heavy). And proceeded to open it.

Knowing he would be waiting to hear from me (since it was only late afternoon there), I sent him a note, trying to convey my absolute shock, amazement, thrill, surprise, amazement and thanks. I'm still flabbergasted.
David wrote back:
Woo hoo!
I used the picture from your blog to find it on Amazon, so I hope it is either the right one, or one that will do for the time being!
I've been meaning to send a gift recently and just could not think "what"... So I got inspiration from your poorly legs and thought you might benefit from this more than a tiki mug or something pop culture-y.
You are a really good friend and I appreciate knowing you so much.
So, I sent a rowing machine!
Now get to exercisin'!
Golly, how did I ever get so lucky to have such amazing and wonderful friends? I am floored. Really.
And while we are on the subject, this has nothing to do with my legs but everything to do with my amazing and wonderful friends. As I mentioned above, when I was going through the mail tonight, there was a package from one of my oldest and dearest friends, Nedra. Her package was also a complete surprise.
Ha! I LOVE IT!!! It is soooo perfect for me and so laugh out loud hilarious. And if you know me and I have your address, there's a chance YOU may have received a (hopefully not nearly as boring) postcard from me. (But now, o' yes, I will begin my hunt for the lamest postcards I can find. Ha! Too funny.) I wonder if the Clown Motel is in the book? Ha!
Thank you BOTH! After the HORRIBLE day I had at work, this was just what the doctor ordered. Zowie! I am just speechless. Some people are so nice...and I know two of them.
Now if I can just figure out how to assemble the rowing machine...
The next leg update is HERE.
I have a friend named David who lives in Australia. I've known David for 15 years or so...and I really can't remember exactly how we met, but I know it was online somehow. (eBay, maybe?) I've stayed in touch with him via email and letters, Christmas cards and postcards. I actually met him once a few years back when he and his partner Lawrence were visiting Los Angeles. I was down there visiting the city too and we spent a wonderful day together visiting Warner Brothers Studio. If I'm not mistaken, I think I dragged them off to dinner at a tiki-esque restaurant (what a surprise! NOT!) in Glendale called Damon's.
Over the years, David has occasionally surprised me with things in the mail. I remember once he sent me a vintage promotional flyer for the Farmer's Market in Los Angeles that he picked up somewhere. More recently he sent me a strange tiki banner he found in New Zealand (You can read about it HERE).
A few days back he sent a message saying he was sending me a gift and it would be arriving on Tuesday, the 27th. What could it be? A T-shirt? A book? A tiki mug? Whatever it was, I thanked him for it and told him I hoped I remembered to check the mail that day. I often don't check the mail for days on end...especially when I am working.
Today, as the long 12+ hour work day was winding down, I got this email from David:
How exciting.....(see picture)
Something will be waiting when you get home...
I love tracking packages....
The package from David! I had forgotten all about it.
I wrote him back and told him thank you again for whatever it was and that I'd get it when I got home.
He responded:
What time do you finish up tonight?
Also, don't get too excited...the gift aims to disappoint!
I keep forgetting you guys are a whole day behind. It's currently lunch time on Wednesday here. It's like dinner time yesterday (Tuesday) for you I'd say?
Happy Tuesday (well, Australian Wednesday)
I responded:
I am supposed to be off now, but it will be a while more. It’s 7:30. I’ll be home before 9. I have to stop on the way home.
When I got home, it was late, I was tired and I needed to go to the bathroom really, REALLY badly (No. 1 and No. 2). As I drove up, I noticed the garbage cans were sitting out front, waiting to be put away. That reminded me to look in the mailbox as the cans were right next to it. As I flipped through the mail, there was nothing from David...but there was a package from my friend Nedra (More on that in a bit). Hmm. I put the cans away and went in the house through the garage.
I looked through the mail again. Nothing from Australia. Maybe it was too big for the mailbox and left by the front door? I turned on the porch light and opened the doors to take a look. Oh my stars! There was a huge box sitting on the front porch.
I dragged it into the house (it was heavy). And proceeded to open it.
There was a second box within the first box. What could it be? I removed the outer plastic bindings of the second box, but before I could go further, I realized I could not hold it any longer and made a dash for the bathroom! EEK!
As badly as I had to go, I couldn't wait to be finished. What could be in the box?, I thought as I sat there evacuating the remains of last night's dinner while I was mentally excavating the mysterious contents of the box from David. What could it possibly be? I was completely stumped.
As soon as I was done and washed my hands, I literally ran (well, hobbled quickly) down the hallway and back to the box.. I cut through the tape and got it open. There were lots of parts to assemble, but what was it? OMG! I couldn't believe it. David had read my last leg update (HERE), got all sleuthy playing Sherlock Holmes on Amazon and sent me the rowing machine I hoped to get for myself someday soon. NO WAY!
David wrote back:
Woo hoo!
I used the picture from your blog to find it on Amazon, so I hope it is either the right one, or one that will do for the time being!
I've been meaning to send a gift recently and just could not think "what"... So I got inspiration from your poorly legs and thought you might benefit from this more than a tiki mug or something pop culture-y.
You are a really good friend and I appreciate knowing you so much.
So, I sent a rowing machine!
Now get to exercisin'!
Golly, how did I ever get so lucky to have such amazing and wonderful friends? I am floored. Really.
And while we are on the subject, this has nothing to do with my legs but everything to do with my amazing and wonderful friends. As I mentioned above, when I was going through the mail tonight, there was a package from one of my oldest and dearest friends, Nedra. Her package was also a complete surprise.
In it, I found a book. But it was not just any book. Nooooo. It was a completely awesome and o' so funny book entitled "BORING POSTCARDS". Just take a look at some of the postcards featured inside:
Thank you BOTH! After the HORRIBLE day I had at work, this was just what the doctor ordered. Zowie! I am just speechless. Some people are so nice...and I know two of them.
Now if I can just figure out how to assemble the rowing machine...
The next leg update is HERE.